Chapter Twenty-Eight: The scolding and the "incident"

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Once Draco had willed his wings back into his body, with the help of Harry, they both ran down to the Great Hall, eager for the day's events to go through. However, in their haste, they startled half of the Slytherin dorm awake, as it was Saturday and everyone was trying to sleep in, not that they cared. 

Once in the Great Hall they ran to their respective table with huge smiles on their faces, they could barely keep still with all the excitement. 

Everyone was a little confused with how carefree the boys looked as they were always a secretive pair and really ever took off their masks. Regardless of the surprise, everyone was happy to see them so happy. 

After a few minutes after they entered, so did the entire friend group. Who ALL stopped mouths gaping at the big smiles on their faces. 

"Ummm guys?" Pansy asked.

"Yeah Pansy?" Harry asked happily.

"Why are you so...Happy?" She asked suspiciously.

"Because Pansy dearest, we have some special guest coming today." Harry said happily.

"On that note." Draco said as he pointed to the door, and there was Dudley, completley in awe of the place.

Harry beamed and ran over to him and gave him a massive bear hug. 

"Dud! It's so good to see you!" Harry exclaimed.

"You too Har, I've missed you. And would you look at this place, no wonder you love it here!" Dudley yelled happily.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool ay!" Harry replied looking around. "Hey is Mom and Narcissa here?"

"Nah they were getting sick of me asking when we were coming so they sent me early, they will be here in half an hour," Dudley replied casually.

"Okay cool, oh Dud come meet my other friends," Harry exclaimed and pulled Dudley off to the Slytherin table.

"Dudley, you already know Dray." Harry said gesturing towards Draco who waved casually, "Good to see you again mate."

Dudley nodded back smiling, "And this is Theo, Blaise, and Pansy." Harry said pointing to all of them.

"Nice to meet you." They all said smiling,

"So um, who are you?" Pansy asked politely.

"Oh right sorry guys, this is Dudley my brother." Harry beamed.

"Ohhhh so that is why you are in such a good mood this morning," Pansy said laughing.

"Yep!" Harry stated casually as everyone began talking as normal.


After breakfast, Harry and Draco were in the middle of a grand tour when Snape rounded the corner. 

"Ah there you are boys, your mothers are in the hall waiting for you." Snape said.

"Thanks Sev," Harry replied and started to walk away.

"Wait Har, I had to sit through the last headmaster crying thing can I just keep exploring here?" Dudley pleaded. 

Harry chuckled and nodded, "Sure thing Dud,"

"But if anyone gives you grief you come straight to me." He added with a serious tone.

"Of course Har," Dudley said smiling before walking off happily.


Once Harry and Draco walked to the hall as soon as they got to the entrance they saw them talking to Petunia and James at the head table, as there were only a few people still in there eating the ran and jumped in their mothers' arms.

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