Chapter sixteen: First day detentions!?

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By the next day the excitement hadn't dulled down. The kids in the Slytherin common room were buzzing, ready to start the new year. 

By the time Draco once again made his late and messy entrance they were ready to go. Well after a few cleaning spells done by Harry.

Breakfast was served in an orderly fashion which most students were used to. The group of Slytherin friends were eating happily until a random Gryffindor came over.

"Hiya Harry, Smile!" The small boy said before pulling a massive camera right up to Harry's face. 

"Dude!" Harry called out loudly as he tried to avoid the flash. 

"I'm Colin Creevey! I am writing an article about the two Potter twins and their lives! Care to comment?" He asked Harry eagerly. 

"Yeah stay out of mine!" Harry said with a death glare which made the small boy re think what he was doing and leave. 

"Wow Harry trust you to scare off the first years." Pansy chuckled which made his glare move to her but it was less harsh. 

"Not his fault the kid was being nosy!" Draco stated. Which made everyone laugh.

"Trust you to stick up for Harry! He could have killed some one out of cold blood and you would still say self defense!" Blaise laughed. 

"Would not!" Draco pouted. 

"Don't be stupid he just knows being beside me is better than being against me." Harry stated simply. 

Before anyone could respond a loud booming voice spoke behind them, "Right you are Mr Potter!" 

The new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher was standing there, (James was now the flying teacher as everyone knows the position is cursed and no one stays for more than a year no matter what reason) no one knew what to say so Gilderoy Lockhart filled in the silence. 

"Now Harry can you and your brother meet me in my classroom at the end of today." 

"Sir what for? I am busy?" Harry responded annoyed.

"It is important." He simply replied.

"Why though I am busy. Is it compulsory?" He asked as nice as he could.

"In a manner yes it is compulsory." 

"What is it?"

"You will find out. 5pm."

"So it is a detention what did I do?"

"No my boy it is not a detention." Lockhart said defensively.

"If it is not a detention then why is it compulsory and what is your reason for needing me there." Harry argued. He did not have time to waste with this man. 

"Well for arguments sake we will say that it is detention and yes you need to go." He smiled widely. 

"If it is detention then what for?" Harry demanded growing more annoyed.

"Umm... Talking back?" Lockhart said but it was more of a question.

"Talking back?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Yep, talking back, see you there 5pm bring your brother!" Lockhart yelled whilst walking away smiling.

"This is gonna be one hell of a year." Harry muttered as he turned back around. 


After a long day of classes Harry went to find Evan to get this "detention" over with.

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