Chapter Thirty: Questions and TEA...

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The next week of school passed peacefully for Draco and Harry. Their relationship was known to the whole school and everyone was either disappointed they weren't single anymore (mainly Theo) or fangirling over them and asking them loads of personal questions. Much to their dismay of course.

However, after a week of ignoring and not answering questions, Draco and Harry had to face the music.

This weekend Petunia and Narcissa were forcing the boys to go back to Narcissa and Lucius's house to fuel their inner fangirls and answer all of their questions.

"Do we have to go." Harry whined to Draco whilst lying in bed. Draco had come to check if Harry was awake and getting ready only to find him curled up in bed, making no effort to get up.

"You know we do love, if we don't go then they will come to us and that would be way worse." Draco reasoned, sitting next to his bed.

"I suppose." Harry groaned. "I'll meet you outside in 10." 

Draco nodded and chuckled at Harry's pouted face. 

Harry came out looking tired and hesitant which made Draco smile and walk over to him.

"Cheer up Har it's only for a few hours." Draco stated smiling.

"Yeah I suppose." Harry said defeated. Which only made Draco chuckle.

The two boys made their way down to the Great Hall for breakfast. The same way that had been for the entire week, as soon as they entered the Hall went silent and then the whispering started.

"Look!" A second year Hufflepuff whispered.

"Aww they are sooooo cute!" A fifth year Ravenclaw stated excitedly.

"Ugh why do they have to be together, I would be so much better with Draco." A Gryffindor girl from their year said to her friend.

"And me to Harry." Her friend replied sadly, glaring at Draco.

Harry just rolled his eyes at all of the comments and grabbed Draco's hand, dragging him towards the Slytherin table, and their friends.

"Ugh why do they all think they have the right to whisper about us like that!" Harry exclaimed as they sat down.

"Well half of them just think it's cute." Pansy stated happily.

"Yeah and the other half wish it was them who was holding your hand, understandably," Theo said a little bitterly.

This comment made Draco shrink slightly but Harry gripped his hand once again reassuringly.

"Not you too Theo come on we are friends and plus nothing would have ever happened between us." Harry stated as a matter of factly.

Theo frowned slightly before shrugging and seemingly accepted this fact.

They all started to eat, everyone making small banter here and there.

Then Crabbe and Goyle came through the doors, they have both skipped coming to the Great Hall to eat and went to the Kitchen for the past week. Obviously scared of what Harry might do to the.

Unfortunately for them, the only seat free at the table was next to the friend group.

They sat cautiously and everyone stopped talking.

"It's fine guys, I wouldn't get revenge this publicly," Harry stated as if he was talking about the weather.

"What? Revenge?" Theo asked confused.

"Yeah, these two goons decided to attack my brother." Harry stated this time more bitterly.

Draco squeezed his hand which made Harry less tense.

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