Chapter four: Welcome to the gang

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Harry's POV:

The next few weeks before school started I spent learning the curriculum and now know all that we will be learning this year. The only thing I need to do is practice wand casting but I cannot do that here. Mom has been worrying about me ever since the run-in at Diagon Alley she says that I must write to her as much as I can and tell her if anything happens and she can send me to another school if needed. I feel like that is a bit much but I guess we shall see.

 Today we are going to Kings cross station. 

"Hurry up Harry we will be late!" Mom yelled from down the stairs. I quickly grab my things and head down. Down the stairs, Dudley looked extremely sad as he was looking at the ground and pouting.

 "Come on Dud I promise I will write." He sniffed. 

"I know but it's not the same as actually talking to you." He pouted again.

 "Well I can fix that," Mom said. 

"How?" Dudley and I asked in unison. 

"I know they don't allow cell phones there so your pendant I got it re-wired to be like a cell phone. You can call us if you want to talk." Mom smirked at the expression on Dudley's face. 

"Harry you have to use it!" He exclaims. 

"Don't worry Dud I will," I answer laughing.

"Now come on we can say goodbye at the platform." Mom said ushering us out the door.

When we got to the platform it was filled with all sorts of magical families. Although there was an unusually large crowd around a certain family. We stayed clear of them. 

"Now Harry if anyone is mean to you, you tell me and magical or not they cannot get away from my wrath," Mom said in a dangerous tone that made me laugh. 

"I do not doubt that Mum." She chuckled before continuing. 

"Harry you have suffered more than any young child should have to, you will need to be strong, no matter what, promise me that, don't let anyone push you around," Mom said looking straight into my eyes. 

"I won't, don't worry mom," I replied. 

We hugged and said our goodbyes before I walked onto the train. I decided to go to a room down the back. 

I found a free one I sat and got settled. When the train started moving I stuck my head out the window and yelled "Goodbye" to Dud and Mom and they waved at me. 

It was a little bit sad leaving them, especially for so long. But I know Hogwarts is going to be incredible and will set me up for my future, I just hope a certain family doesn't ruin it for me too much.

After a few minutes of sitting alone pondering my thoughts, there was a knock at the door. 

"Come in," I said. A boy with platinum blond hair came in followed by a boy with dark skin and a girl with a bob. 

"Do you mind if we sit here?" The blond boy asked. 

"By all means, sit," I replied politely. They all filed in and the blond boy placed himself next to me while the other girl and boy sat across from me. 

"I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy, that is Pansy Parkinson and that is Blaise Zabini." The boy next to me said while pointing to everyone. 

I held out my hand to him and said, "I'm Harry." He shook my hand and started talking about Hogwarts. It was clear his views on the school and the houses of Gryffindor particularly.  I kind of thought he was a dick. Judging people like that. I was about to say something when the door burst open. There standing in front of us was the so-called boy who lived. I didn't know much about him but from what I had witnessed and heard I already didn't like him. 

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