Chapter One ~ Blond Bimbo

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AN : Have fun on yalls first chapter, hope you love it and hope you enjoy every bit! Un-edited, so some mistakes will be there, feel free to critique in a friendly manner, I'm talking to the rude ones in the comments.

                              ~Killian Knight~

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~Killian Knight~

Blood ran through my veins, through my body, blood that I didn't want running through me. Constantly reminding me that I am a creation of a monster. I was a creation, bound to ruin anything within my path. My only purpose is not to create, but to destroy. Havoc ran within the Knight's, my father is a waste, crumbling to his decay. Even though he was dying in front of me, coughing blood and practically begging for my help, I found no sympathy in my body.

My lips slightly curved into a smirk, finally, I will finally be free of his torment. The torturous nights of beatings, the constant reminder of the fact that I was a failure. I won't ever have to hear him say those cruel words to me. I pointed the gun towards his body which was laying on the cold hardwood floor. My finger trembled against the trigger, my body shook as the gun was slowly falling from my grasp. Why can't I do it!?

Tears, sign of the weak. Tears were forming in my eyes as I watched the man who raised me lay, coughing blood with a smirk on his lips. Then I realized he knew I wouldn't be able to pull the trigger. "You will always be a failure. You can't even kill the man who caused you this trauma. Because, you are a weak-" He paused. "-disgusting-" He once again paused. "-disgrace of a son." He coughed out. Instead of letting those tears fall, I blinked them away before taking a deep breath. He wants me to fail, he wants me to crumble to his level. To be as weak as him. I didn't speak a word to him, not wasting a single breath on him. Thoughts ran through my head, the demons in my body consuming me. He was dying physically whilst I was dying mentally. "Weak." He muttered once again.


I woke up. Shaking and sweating. My breathing was uncontrollable, hyperventilating I laid my head back onto the headboard. Another nightmare. Constantly I dream about killing my tormenter who sleeps peacefully two rooms over. My eyes quickly diverted to the door lock. Thank god the door was locked, who knows what would've happened if I didn't keep it locked.

Throwing the blanket off of me, I turned my head to the digital clock. 1:00am. My phone dinged, my brother Ares texted me to come downstairs. Grasping my phone I walked out of my room and down the stairs. Him texting me late at night only means bad things. Being in the mafia, specifically the Italian mafia means constant responsibility. See, I am not the leader...yet.  My disgusting father decided that I cannot become leader until I am married.

Running down the stairs, I saw my father and my brother sitting on the couch, waiting patiently. Patience is something that is nonexistent in my family. Yet, patience is a virtue. "Come here, son." He almost pukes at the word son. I know he dreads the thought of me becoming a leader, but he only despises me because he knows I will be the better leader. He's lost so many things and hasn't gained anything back. He knows well enough that I will always be better, and he will always be bitter.

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