Chapter Three ~ Sign the contract

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AN: IT'S HAPPENING MFFFSSS contract time baes

AN: IT'S HAPPENING MFFFSSS contract time baes

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  ~Aaliyah Cortez~

Absence of figure was what my mother was. An absent mother. She was never fucking there for anything, and the second my father took a swing at the wall when he drunk, my mother packed a suitcase, left a note and left. I wish she was here to see what her ex husband does to her daughter. I resent the both of them, they truly have no place in my heart and I will never love them like I used to. As a child, I'd adore them. Always looking up to them like they were superheroes, but they were the villains.

I miss what I never had, I ache for the love I deserve. Zane was supposed to give that to me, nevertheless, he never met my expectations. My papa may be cruel, disgusting and vile but he always taught me to hold my standards high and never back down from a challenge. I will never love Killian, I know I wont.

Like a curious idiot, I did multiple background checks on him and found so much of what he's done. He killed the Russian mafia boss's son, he slaughtered over 300 people with no hesitation, and has zero remorse for anybody's existence. That is someone who is truly unlovable, and is incapable of loving someone else. Killian Knight.

My future husband, and my future downfall. A future I cannot avoid. I knew I was signing the contract today, but I did not know I was moving in with the devil today as well.

Grasping my thoughts, I turned my head to see the movers packing my clothing in boxes. Dozens of boxes filled with clothes, books and my other essentials. I loved this room, bookshelves scattered around the room and so many paintings were on my walls.

Now those books and paintings were packed up. I was moving to a place I didn't know anything about, and I wasn't going to take the time to learn anything about it.

I made my way to the car, a stupid audi. An Audi I couldn't even drive. That doesn't make sense, I asked papa for the car, he got it but it's been five months and I haven't even been able to drive it. I looked at the driver who was about to get into the driver's seat. "I'll drive." I said.

His eyes looked back at me in shock, shaking my head in annoyance. I made my way into the driver's seat and he was walking away, probably about to snitch to my dad about how I'm driving. It's not going to get you extra points pal! I wanted to yell but I just took a deep breath and waited till the guards packed all the boxes.

There's two other cars that were going to trail me. Just because we were going to be allied with the Italians doesn't mean we can't be prepared for attack.

I pulled out of the driveway and onto the havoc that is roads, it felt like bliss when I drove. And it's been so fucking long. The song blasting on the radio was 'R U Mine?' by Arctic Monkeys.

I absolutely adored this song and songs like this deserve to be blasted at full volume so I turned it up as I drove past the speed limit. Smiling as the wind blew through the windows, I followed the GPS to the Knight estate. I knew they lived in luxury, money basically poured out of their eyes.

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