Chapter Thirty Nine~ Forgiveness

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AN : THIS CHAP IS EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. HE IS SO OBSERVANT TO HER WORDS ITS FUCKING CRAZYYY. I  need a man like that- every other guy has broken me in some way LMAOOOOOO anyway have fun with this read, I will try n update next week if I aint dead from my tests........have a fun read, love u all and sending love to wherever my beautiful readers are. VOTE N COMMENT PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I NEEEEED TO SEE COMMENTS IT MOTIVATES MEEEE. thank u <3

~Aaliyah Cortez~

I shouldn't have agreed for coffee with him. Wish I never fucked him, hell I wish I slammed the door in his face when I had the chance because now I have to stress about the outfit I need to make. It's just coffee right? I don't need to overdo it, maybe jeans and a cute top could work. Or I could go all out, and make him fall head over heels again. I can't act like I hate him, because I don't. I truly don't, but I can't forgive him just like that.

I have self worth, and I want him to work for me. I'm not someone he can swoop in and just have for his own personal gain. Ivy stares from across the room, stressing about her future man. I have never shipped a pair more, Dominic and Ivy are a match made in heaven.

Dominic has taken the same route as Killian, begging for forgiveness. Except, Killian does it in a cute, adorable way, Dominic is just ugly and annoying but he somehow has won over my best friend's heart again. Her dramatic sighs echo the room, my smile widens. This girl is a weirdo, my weirdo but I legitimately will not let her get hurt by Dominic again. Hell, if he fucks up again I'll make sure she get's a restraining order against him.

That won't matter, he's a mafia man with a gun. The voice in my head reminds me that we're in the mafia, we come from death and despair. Sometimes I forget I've escaped death on numerous occasions and my kill count is higher than my body count.

"I hate him." She mumbles under her breath, staring at the ceiling whilst laying on my bed in a depressive manner. "No you don't." I reply back and she groans. She sounds like me when I was repeatedly telling myself I hated Killian for what he said, but I didn't. I didn't have it in me to hatehim, he's too...loveable for me to hate him. When he said I love you at the cafe, it had my heart racing but I couldn't say it back. I love him but those words leaving my mouth is a permanent vow, a vow to him I'm willing to make but will he be willing to do the same?

Grabbing a pair of gold hoop earrings, I clip them to my ears and almost scream when I realize I'm going to be late. Shit. Shit. SHIT. I run to my closet, staring at the hundreds of clothes but I hate them all. I quickly looked and found a white skirt with a white laced corset top along with- "You should wear a dress, to show him what he's been missing." Ivy yells slightly from across the room and I was going to disagree but then my eyes snapped towards a beautiful silky white dress. Short, pretty and will make Killian's eyes fall out of their sockets.

I grabbed the dress from the hanger and quickly placed it on my body before glancing at the time. 6:40pm. Fuck me I have twenty minutes. He told me to meet him outside of the coffee shop and then we'll go from there.

I did some light blush on my face along with mascara and ran towards the door to grab my white boot heels, they weren't tall at all, quite short and wouldn't do much to boost my height. And I'm seeing Killian, so literally nothing I do could boost my height to his. "Aaliyah!" I turn my head and see Ivy smiling at me. "I want you to send me pictures." I frown in confusion, my eyebrows furrowing.

"We're just going for coffee." I laugh slightly, placing each heel on my foot. "Right." Ivy mumbles, smiling reassuringly but I feel like this is more than just coffee. Shaking my head I blow a kiss Ivy's way before exiting the apartment and making my way towards my car. I had three things in mind that this coffee "date" was going to entail, one I'll either cry or I'll forgive him or both.

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