Chapter Four ~ Fool in Love

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AN : This chap will anger everyone, have fun. <3=

                             ~Aaliyah Cortez~

I let out a hoarse scream, what the hell. Bella stood at the side of my bed with a bright smile. The curtains pulled open causing the sun to shine brightly. I turned my head slightly to the nightstand and saw the time on the digital clock. 7 fucking am.

"No." is all I said before pulling the fluffy blanket over my head and cuddling back into bed. "Get the hell up, lazy bum." I groaned before throwing the covers off me. God she's such an early bird. "Breakfast is downstairs and we need to go wedding shopping!!" She's more excited for this wedding than me. Maybe she should get married to h- that's disgusting, they're cousins remember? Oh yeah.  "Fine."

"You act like you have a choice hun." I sighed, walking towards the bathroom and shutting the door. I wanted nothing more but to stay in bed all day, but here I am going wedding shopping for crying out loud.

Having to buy a stupid wedding dress for a stupid wedding I don't even want. I groaned internally before brushing my teeth, combing out my birds nest hair and grabbing the first clothes I see. A white tank top and a pair of blue jeans.

Quickly I grabbed a hair claw and pinned my hair up, walking out of the bathroom looking like a hobo compared to Bella's beautiful summer dress. She looked like a damn fairy while I looked like an ogre.

"Let's go! Lara's waiting downstairs in the car." She grabbed my hand and dragged me down the stairs into the car. Well this is basically kidnapping. I ended up in the backseat and Bella called shotgun. Lara was driving freely in her mercedes. "So dear, have any idea for a wedding dress?"

"Absolutely no idea, and I have no idea if I actually care for the dress at all." Bella's gasp echoed throughout the car. "Does that mean you don't need a bridesmaid?"

I already planned for Ivy to be my main bridesmaid but I was already planning on asking Bella to join in on the fun. "Already have one, but what's wrong with one more?" Her squeal made me smile sheepishly, same with Lara. We made it to the wedding dress boutique and I already knew I was going to have a major headache from this. Hence why I have a tiny bottle of Advil in my jean pocket.

We made our way inside, and they were on the hunt to find me the perfect wedding dress. I was going to fall asleep at one point, but they all came up to me with seven dresses in each hand. As I tried them on, they were either too puffy or too slim or too ugly or too lacy.

Basically they all sucked. My eyes caught this beautiful dress, the perfect amount of poof and it was off shoulder. The lady working at the boutique turned to me and said "That's our Off The Shoulder Princess Classic Country Fairy Lace wedding dress." It was a perfect shade of black with simple roses in the laced part of the dress. 

I grabbed the dress off the hook and ran to try it on. I may not want this wedding, but I might as well look pretty when walking down the aisle.

It felt perfect, a great fit. I left the changing room and Bella's jaw was dropped, Lara looked like she was about to faint.

"You beautiful, gorgeous girl. Killian better be grateful he has such a beautiful wife." I smiled at Lara's words. "It fits perfect on you, like it was made for you." Bella runs up to me and hugs me. "You're so pretty, and I adore this dress on you." I chuckled and threw my hands around her, squeezing her in the hug.

Our smiles were bright as we bought the dress and walked out of the store. Those two were so damn excited it made me feel a little excited for the wedding. Just a little.

We made our way to starbucks because Bella was apparently dying of thirst. It was like 30 degrees but who cares. Lara ordered a large latte and Bella ordered some fruity drink like herself, and I just got water with some lemon.

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