Chapter forty two~ Don't you dare

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AN : yall im so sorry but im so tired n my next update may not even be long but im trying so hopefully by next week Ill be good to write again, thank u all for being patient with me and checking in, thank you. I love you all sm and I hope you guys are all doing well. Vote n comment <3

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~Aaliyah Cortez~

I groan as the doctor does my blood test. For the last week I've felt changes in my body, not good changes. My skin turning yellow-er and somehow paler, my body weaker and I didn't think anything of it. But what really concerned me was the small lump forming. So now I'm sitting here as they examine me, take my blood and look at me like I'm some bruised girl. I do have scars, so so many of them, but god they keep on staring. It's vile. I smile weakly at the nurse who grins back, holding a tray of food. Two things, one, the reason why I'm here is because of the fact that my doctors suspect that I have a malignant tumor in my liver. Scary, right?

The next thing is, the reason why Killian isn't here because I told him I was just going to the mall. Ivy came for backup. I couldn't tell him, he'd get worried and rightfully so. I genuinely wanted to, but I also couldn't fathom him getting worried about me, besides it may be nothing and could just be a simple sickness that some antibiotics would cure. Sighing, I laid my head back as I waited patiently for CT scan results. Ivy types on her laptop, silence taking over the room.

Whilst I was calm, she was the opposite, she was worrying, panicking and confused. She was not taking the news well, and as much as I love her concern, I don't want her to feel anxious for me. I'll be fine, hopefully. "Don't die." Ivy mumbles, not even looking at me as her fingers type faster. She works when she's worried, works when she's mad, works when she's sad, she just works and I admire her for that, but she is the biggest workaholic ever.

Killian would want to be here, but he also has been working more often. I hate worrying my loved ones, and honestly I need him to be okay and stress free. I grimace at the thought of the tumor that could be growing in my liver.

And that wouldn't be the worst of it, tumors could start anymore, from my liver to my brain, if there's one, there could be more. I groan in annoyance which makes Ivy finally look up at her damn screen. The doctor's come into the room, a wary look on the main doctor's face. She was a resident, a high ranked doctor in the hospital.

I could see by her authority and high confidence, but her interns on the other hand could show their emotions all at once. Not a single poker face in the mix. The resident, Julie, clears her throat as her hands clench the CT scans. "Ms Cortez, We regret to inform y-"

"I have the tumor in my liver, right?" I knew it was there, I knew that the universe couldn't let me have one nice thing, a normal life. "Yes but there are options to help take out the tumor." I hum, chuckling humorously. Ivy had shut her laptop as the worry on her face got even worse. God I hate the worry, the anxiety, it's so painfully dreadful.

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