Chapter Forty one~ Christmas season

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AN : next chapter Friday or Saturday, im so sorry for not updating guys, im busy af, and im holding off my French presentation for this cuz I need finish this book. BUT, I wont fail French hopefully fr. ANYWAY HAVE A GOOD DAY OR NIGHT, im tired af so im gonna sleep, but I love you guys for being patient, and you all have my heart, you guys being patient and supportive, getting texts asking for the next chapter and everything makes me feel super appreciated knowing you guys like it, like my writing when I genuinely thought nobody would, so thank you, you beautiful souls. <3

~Aaliyah Cortez(soon it'll be knight dw)~

I smirk at Killian, his glares only make my grin grow wider and wider when my eyes snap down to his hands barely holding onto the heavy shopping bags. It wasn't my fault, I offered to hold them myself but he insisted to hold the two bags I started with, and now he's hanging on by a thread. "Need some help, darling?" I tease, grinning menacingly at the sight of my boyfriend.

He shakes his head, also trying to shake the very obvious grin on his lips. I would have never ever guessed in my entire life that Killian loved christmas, as a kid he was the one setting up the tree, racking the presents around and putting up the decorations. Thinking of little killian like that had my heart warming up. So this christmas, I plan to make it extra special for him. I love him so much, it's weird. I never felt this before, so loved and cared for. He makes me feel things, makes me feel wanted.

I never felt wanted in my own home, and now he's my new home. My new everything.

He sighs before dropping the bags into the trunk and shakes his head, grinning my way. I yelp when he unexpectedly grasps my cheeks in his hands and pulls my head towards his, kissing me softly. "I love you." I whisper I love you too, my lips brushing his with smiles.

We have officially became the I love you couple, twenty four seven we say it, not as a reminder, but as reassurance. I love you in our language means, we'll never leave one another. He knows most have left me in my life, and I know most have left him, but we made a promise to never leave on another. Never. And I intend on never breaking that promise. He's my muse, my lover and my world.

I opened the car door, my mclaren. The one he gifted to me, and I don't even remember telling him I wanted the car, but clearly he did when he remembered exactly what exterior and interior I wanted for the car, the custom lights and the bedazzled wheel.

I feel my heart warm when a hand lands on my thigh, slowly rubbing with thepad of his thumb as he drove with the other hand. The song, "If I cant have you" by Shawn Mendes had played on the radio and of course, as a Shawn Mendes fan I screamed the beginning of the song as Killian rolled the windows down and surprisingly, he had screamed the lyrics with me.

Our voices screeching and sounding ugly but it felt great, knowing he was letting loose with me, trusting me with his goofy side. He was a doofus, but he was my doofus. "EVERYTHING MEANS NOTHING IF I CANT HAVE YOU!" He yells, pointing at me as he sang the lyric with the cutest smile.

The song had soon ended and our panting echoed the car, my voice hurts bad. "Okay, I have a question, princess." I hum, interlocking my hand with his as I turn my head to stare at his beautiful side profile. God I love love. "What is it, that you want for christmas?" I roll my eyes, chuckling softly. Oh this dummy just bought me the entire store of Indigo and Sephora and still asks me what I want for Christmas. "I already got what I wanted." I mumble, holding his hand tighter, not daring to ever let go of him.

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"You, Killian." Love makes you ridiculous things, crazy, dangerous things. And I know that because my brother had tortured me to tell me where Killian was, I never said anything. Killian ran through gun fire to save me. I can easily say we are the craziest people yet, but I can also say with my entire heart, we are the most in love. I love his every flaw, from head to toe everything he sees as flaws, I see as imperfections, and I will always let him know.

I could see the slight twitch of his lips at my answer. "You don't need to buy me anything, darling, your enough for me. Always will be." His smile grew even wider and the blush on his cheeks was hard to miss. "Stop being cute, it's driving me crazy knowing I can't stop this car in the middle of the road to slam my lips onto yours." I grin, teasing him a little as I lifted his hand off my thigh and brushed my lips on the bruised knuckles of his fingers.

He didn't pull away, he kept his hand there and continued to drive "unfazed" even though the tense body language told me something different. Along with the slight boner in his pants. "Your buddy is trying to come out." I couldn't even stop my words before he pulled his hand away and started to laugh uncontrollably. I joined in, my words made him laugh.

His laugh was contagious, adorable and god damn lovable. Our laughing session was cut short as we walked inside with the bags, well more he walked in with the bags and I walked in with two coffees. Oreo walked into the foyer, panting with his tongue out as he clawed up at me. I love this dog. I slip my nike slides off my feet and place the coffees on the small glass front table before bending to my knees and leaving a kiss on Oreo's head.

"MY LOVE YOUR BACK!!" Ivy's loud screams echo into the house as she runs and jumps on top of me. Killian smiles at me before glaring at Ivy, assuming it's because she took his nickname for me. I could hear Lara's cooking with Bells from here, Seb yelling at Dom for smoking and Aria screaming at her friend for killing her in some violent video game. It's been weeks, months, since I've been utterly addicted to the people in this house.

My new family, my everything. I wonder if they know how much affect they have on me, I could never leave any of them. Seb and Dom are my brothers, and they annoy me like I'm their sister. Aria is my little sister, I love her like she is. I want her to grow up with a good family, especially after the fact that her momis in Italy to deal with some business. I never want her to feel the aloneness I felt when I was growing up.

And I think of Lara as my aunt, and honestly she treats me like I'm her niece, always making me breakfast, always making sure I'm alright, it makes me feel such happiness. And Bells, is everything to me too, another sister to me. Ivy is my sister, friend and best friend, my rock.

She's never not been there for me, she will notice a slight change in my tone and ask me what's wrong, I can depend on her to be there for anything. Killian cannot be explained in words, my love for him is unending, it will last us forever, not until death does us part, even in the after life my heart will yearn for him. His safety is my number one priority, he is my priority and nothing will ever change my opinion on him.

Ivy had ran off with my bags and I raised up to my feet, and Killian stared at me with a look I could never get sick of.

A look of tender. He always look at me like I'm the only one he sees.

"You're the only one, always and forever."

"Always and forever, darling."

AN : always and forever. that should be the title fr. ANYWAY, yall im so excited to finish this book off, and then start my next book for the series fr like so excited!! ANYWAY, goodnight or good day, im gonna sleep, pls vote n comment, yells comments make me joyous fr thank u guys sm ik it isn't a juicy chapter but it needs to be a lil boring bc the next chapter gonna be cute af and hectic I have sm ideas!! I LOVE YOU GUYS. SO





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