Chapter 2 ~ With great power comes great responsibility

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AN : Hope you guys enjoyed the first chap, onto the second oneeee

AN : Hope you guys enjoyed the first chap, onto the second oneeee

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                         ~Kilian Knight~

"Come help me garden, bambino." My mama demanded with one of her greatest smiles. I nodded and followed her out to the garden. She always adored flowers, specifically tulips.

My mind flashes back into reality. The memories of her love for flowers made my heart turn. I swallowed the lump in my throat before bending down towards her grave, placing the tulips down. I lost my ability to show my sadness to others once I lost mama. She was truly always there, now she was gone. All because of my demonic father. He abused her to the point where she was begging for death to consume her. I could've saved her. I should have. I was a fucking idiot. Memories suddenly flash back into my head.

"Weak, piece of shit." My father whispered in my mothers ear as he held her by her ponytail. "LET HER GO!" My small voice yelled mixed with cries. My sister cried behind me, pulling on my leg. "Who do you think you are to yell at me?" My mother sobbed, trying to pull away from the monster who held her down with great force. "Hurt me, not them." She whimpered in pain. Mama, my mama's in pain. I lunged towards my father and he dropped my mama. But, he grabbed me and threw me towards the floor. With a thud, I landed and he was stalking towards my baby sister. "NO!" I screamed when he punched her repeatedly in the face. "Stupid crying bitch." Her cries grew louder, her painful screams, her struggles grew weaker and so did she. Then he dropped her to the ground. Dead and lifeless was my sister. Then, he turned his head and grabbed a gun from his pocket, aiming for my mother. "No NO NO!" One bullet. One bullet killed her. She fell to the ground. They were both dead, bleeding out on the hardwood floor. My sobs were stifled, my emotions were shoved inside, and my body was numb.

I lost so much that day. My baby sister, taken from me within seconds, my mama killed right in front of me. I thought he'd kill me next, but he grabbed me and whispered "Act like them, and you'll end up exactly where they are. Hell."

"I'm becoming don today, mama." I didn't dare show my tears, my pain that I pushed down. Yet whenever I visited her grave, that pain I shoved away from reality, it all came flooding back. My mama used to tell me "whenever you become don, you will have great power, but great power comes with great responsibility." Sighing, I shook my head and stood up. I was going to get married next week, but tomorrow is when my "wife" is going to be living with me.

I walked back to my car, dusting my suit off as I entered my Audi r8. It's not my favorite car, but my brother loves to take my cars out. I was becoming don, today. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, I was going to be leading an entire mafia whilst having some stranger by my side.

I continued to drive as my thoughts ran in my head. How will I deal with people in my space, for fucks sake I hated people touching my stuff. Ares is the only person I allow to use my cars, other than that, if he uses anything else I'd put a bullet through his thick skull.

I didn't know how my wife looked, I didn't know a single thing except that she's the Spanish mafia princess. I know one thing for sure, she's probably pampered, all that lovey dovey bullshit. Yet she has no idea that I am not an ideal person to be married to. If she expects me to be a lovey husband, ready to worship the ground that she walks on, she will be greatly disappointed because she is nothing but a fucking convenience.


~Aaliyah Cortez~

"This wine is divine." Ivy mutters, sipping her wine as she looks around the ballroom. Elegant decorations scattered around, and the luxury of the room was hard to miss. "You should get super drunk so you won't remember meeting that imbecile." I chuckled, shaking my head whilst I looked around the room. Many leaders of other mafias were here, American, Russian ect.

I rarely attend these events, but because my future husband who I have yet to lay my eyes on, I must be here. My dress was basically the only thing I was truly happy about right now. Zane hasn't tried to contact me and I've texted him 20+ times. I truly love him, but I wonder why he's gone MIA. He always used to tell me that he loves me, always sending me cute gifts and taking me out but he's never gone missing.

Suddenly, people cleared from the entrance and the room became silent. The large black doors slammed open, and an old man came in. That's a bit rude, but he truly looked old. Wrinkly and a large bald spot splat in the middle of his head. "That's the Italian mafia leader." Ivy whispers into my ear. I hum, and then I see a man that made my eyes widen.

Gray eyes, dark curly hair and a jawline that looks like it'd cut any diamond. He adjusted his cuff links as he walked, then his eyes met mine. Gray eyes meeting my hazel ones. His eyes were piercing, almost captivating. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I quickly turned away. Then the old grandpa speaks, "Here is my son, Killian Knight." Ivy almost spits her wine out when she hears that. My brain doesn't process that I'm going to be marrying that. They all walk towards the stage, once grandpa stands on the stage, so does Killian.

"Please tell me my eyes are deceiving me." Ivy whispers in pure shock. I shook my head, still watching the family stand on the stage. What the hell. "As you all know, my son is becoming the Italian mafia leader. And as of today, he will be one of the most powerful men in the mafia world."

People started clapping, screaming in joy but my face was still shaped in shock. I didn't know whether to clap or run. He was emotionless, his face was straight and I could feel his cruelness from here. I don't know much about this man, yet I am going to marry him next fucking week. My papa then came beside me which caused Ivy to run. She hates my dad, basically wants to shoot him but so do I.

"They're going to announce the marriage, be prepared." Always with the surprises, never giving me a fucking warning. "My son, Killian Knight will be marrying Aaliyah Cortez, a great alliance between the Italian mafia and the Spanish mafia." People's gasps spread around the room, shock resting on so many faces. Suddenly everyone's eyes were on me. Awkwardly I smiled, "Hi." I spluttered out. People looked at me disappointedly because of my greeting but I thought it was pretty good. Papa pinched me subtly on my hip, making me wince slightly. My father wasn't necessarily abusive, yet he still made the effort to traumatize me profusely.

A bittersweet smile emerged onto my lips. My eyes met Killian's, he was already staring. But his eyes showed no emotion, no interest, no care. Nothing. It made me feel even more infuriated than I already am. He doesn't care for this marriage, he won't object, he will do whatever he wants so he can gain the throne and have power. Fuck. I turned my head away from him and to papa. Everyone went back to their business as they slowly made their way to the Knight family. "Aaliyah, you will be seeing him tomorrow to sign the contract." I swallowed the lump in my throat.

Thoughts ran through my head, my mind was saying to stay calm, yet my heart wanted me to run from everything I've ever known.

AN : Babes, it's starting!!!

Word count : 1358

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