Chapter 5 ~ Dark?

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AN: This chapter made me tear up lowkey, Short chap btw <3 COMMENT N VOTE FOR THE NEXT CHAP LOVES

                           ~Aaliyah Cortez~

Nobody was home for two days except Ivy and the guards. My so called husband was out dealing with things, Lara was out and Bella was still missing. I spent the last two days with Ivy, she was around, trying to make me feel better but all I could think about was Zane.

He was kissing that girl so passionately, like he was in love. He looked at her with grace, he looked at me with disgust. The difference was as clear as day. But I was too much of a fool to realize that.

"It wasn't your fault." Ivy whispered in my ear as she moved my hair out of my face. "What did I do wrong? Why couldn't he love me like he loved her?" I cried out in her arms as she held me tight.

"Why is everything going wrong Ivy?" I wanted comfort, and she was always ready to give it to me. "He didn't deserve your love or your kindness. And nobody does. Don't you ever lower your standards for a man, you hear me?" I hummed through the sniffles. Damn I was always crying.

"We're going out." I shook my head. "Not in this weather." The rain was lasting days, it got worse throughout the days and I refused to leave the house.

"Fine, we're going to cook, sleep, netflix then sleep some more. No crying for my love." I smiled at the nickname. We did exactly what she said we'd do. We baked a ugly cake for two hours straight, she spilled flour almost everywhere and looked paler than she already is. "Your blending in with the walls." I murmured with a snicker and that barbie doll bimbo threw flour into my hair.

"Oh so you want to die?" I chased her around with a handful of flour and the second she turned around I threw it in her face then dashed.

"Hope you know you're cleaning this all up!" I yelled as I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a spatula to protect myself from the blond demon. "God I hate you sometimes." She laughed as the flour fell from her blond hair. "The flour kind of looks good in your hair."

"Shut the hell up." She chuckled, dusting the flour off and we continued baking the second cake. The first cake was an epic fail, absolutely failed to bake and didn't form properly so we were trying this again like idiots.

Then an hour later, we ended up on the couch watching five feet apart. She was sobbing and coughing. Choking on the popcorn with teary eyes. I almost laughed but the scene just got even more depressing.

I was going to cry, but honestly I used up all my tears for the day. After a cry session Ivy had, we cleaned up the flour mess and then made some dinner. Dinner as in packaged ramen. We weren't really creative with the dinner at all and honestly I didn't completely mind it.

It was amazing ramen, she added cheese into the ramen mix and some milk and boom it tasted divine. We sat there and binged another movie as we ate like pigs.

It was 11pm and nobody was home again. I was slowly becoming used to it. I wanted Bella home, and I knew they were all stressing about her. "I need to get home, my dad wants me on some mission. Text me if you need anything though, Ali." I nodded with a tight lipped smile.

She left a kiss on my forehead and ran off. I didn't want her to leave, not at all but unfortunately, duty calls. Being alone felt so alone? Not peaceful but deadly silence. Like being alone feels as if you're stuck in a dark pit with nobody to get you out. I hate silence, I have to have music on before I sleep or something. I got a loud fan just for that, so my fan makes noise as I sleep.

Suddenly darkness consumes the house. Power went out. Fuck. My heart suddenly starts to race, I hate the dark. Silence, darkness and thunder all in one night. I felt like my world was spinning, like I was going to faint. I hated these nights, hated these nights because of what would happen in the night.

The trauma brought upon me from my uncles. The nights of parties ending with disgust  and fear. I choke on my own sob as the horrible flashbacks come back to my head. Falling to my knees, I heard another booming of thunder. Please, please let this night end. I cried out.

I grasped onto the edge of the couch as I fell to my knees, tears spilling down my cheeks as my sobs grew louder. I felt disgusted to be near others, the flashbacks consuming me. The touch I never wanted, the hands that touched my skin without permission made my heartache even more.

A hand slightly grasped my arm and I sobbed louder. "Please-please don't touch me."

"It's me, dear." My eyes fluttered open to see Lara, the lights on and the thunder simmering. She sat beside me, a sorrowful look in her eyes as she grasped my hand with hers.

"Baby, what happened?" I dropped my head back, trying not to cry again. Why did I have to be such a baby about everything? "Just some unwanted memories that came back at the worst time." I smiled through the tears. Always smile. "You want to talk about it, Aaliyah?" I shook my head softly, I know she's going through a lot. Her daughter's gone missing, and in this world, we have no idea if she's alive or dead. When in the mafia, everything is uncertain. "Okay, I think you should get some rest though."

"I will, don't worry-" I paused, taking a deep breath in before speaking again. "-I wanted to know, is there any information on where Bella would be?"

Her body tensed at the mention of her daughter. A small sigh left her lips, her body still tense and her jaw clenched. "The people who took her, they sent a video of her locked up in a cell-" She stifled a cry. "-She looked so scared, Aaliyah, so terrified." I quickly threw my arms around her and held her in my arms.

"I'm so scared for her." She murmured in my arms. "I know, I know. She'll be okay, I know she will." I softly whispered, moving Lara's hair out of her face.

"Killian's been on a rampage, he's searching and searching for her. Restless and always having his guard up." I shook my head. His words rang in my head repeatedly. "Frankly, I don't have time for you." Why'd he act like he cared for my well being if he's going to end up saying that to me? God, men.

"I'll be in my room if you need anything, dear." I hummed as she arised to her full height and walked off. I still laid against the wall, still thinking about everything. I feel such disgust when people touch me, when people I cant trust, touch me. I wanted to cry again. Instead, I got up and made my way to the private gym right beside the pool. Working out was my therapy. Pushing myself to be the best version of myself. I work out so I will never feel as weak as I did those nights.

AN: cant wait to make this book depressing asf, comment n vote babes

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