Chapter Eighteen ~ Mixed signals

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AN : Writers block is hitting me like a brick guys, so I may be slow with updates but I WILLL try to make this whole process faster, vote and comment for the next chapter my loves

AN : Writers block is hitting me like a brick guys, so I may be slow with updates but I WILLL try to make this whole process faster, vote and comment for the next chapter my loves

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~Aaliyah Cortez~

The bloody red mini strapless dress clings onto my waist tightly as Ivy zips it up. First mission of the week, kill the greek mafia's second command. Apparently the whole rivalry is caused because the Greek mafia didn't pay their shipments in time and decided to steal from the Italian's so now we're out for blood.

Talk about pettiness. I sigh, this whole mission was dumb. I haven't killed in awhile, and having to kill such a secured and guarded asshole makes me a little nervous. Only a little. Bitch please you almost pissed your pants when you found out you have to kill him.

Ivy was the opposite of nervous, she was almost excited to go murder him and his guards. She's a little crazy...but it makes sense considering she's one of the greatest assassins in the mafia world. I am skilled, but her? She's a killing machine. This girl has come close to death on so many occasions and somehow made it out alive without a single scar or wound.

It amazes me. Me on other hand, I had to train in secret, create a name for myself in secret. A few nights a week I'd go to an underground ring and fight. Fighting turned into killing, it was never about who was going to "win" but who was going to die first. I only went because of boredom and because I wanted to prove myself worthy of the mafia world.

Prove to the world that I'm not the weak little girl I was before. I was known as deadly nightshade. I always had a mask on when I fought, of course there were idiots who tried to take that mask off to figure out who I was but they are now six feet under whilst I'm still thriving. Not surprised to be honest.

I haven't gone to that ring in a year or so, I was caught by Ivy and she pretty much banned me from going considering how risky it was. Me out in the open without any guards near me and all I had were my two fists to defend myself. Frankly, I knew I could handle it but I knew that Ivy wouldn't be able to handle herself if anything happened to me. I saw how damn broken she was when I was shot, and that shit still hurts.

Honestly, I would rather be sitting in bed, watching TV whilst eating a cheesecake but I'm stuck doing this dumb mission even though Killian and Dominic are capable of doing this on their own. I have yet to see Killian tonight, he told me he was going to be out dealing with business at his club. He has clubs all over the world and it still amazes me how this man is still standing.

"So, you got your dagger?" Ivy asks, fluffing up my wavy hair. I hum, the un-noticeable dagger strapped beneath my dress. Reminds me of my wedding day...that ended absolutely horribly. Still was so fun throwing heels at that guy's fat forehead.

If he was blue he would look like a clone of megamind mixed with a little bit of smurf and avatar. "Cant wait for your hubby to see you in this dress, fuck your curves and ass look amazing in this dress. Especially your ti-"

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