Chapter Twenty Two~ Mia Cara

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AN: Chapters may be a little slow, my books going from like 1k reads each chap to like 300 LMAOOO, so that's kinda making me lose motivation but I will not give up on this book cuz I've been writing for YEARS and I'm finally properly publishing on this app, so I'm going to continue it but it's just hard when views flop n comments and views are a flop. BUT I LOVE ALL MY SUPPORTERS, YOU ALL ARE MY MOTIVATION, I LOVE WRITING AND I LOVE THAT YALL LOVE IT TOOOO SO THANK U LOVELIES. thank you. VOTE N COMMENT, AND HAVE A GREAT MOTHERFUCKINGG READDDD. love yall

 ~Aaliyah Cortez~

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~Aaliyah Cortez~

"Ah mia cara, how much I have missed you." My mama's arms wrap around my waist and I hug her back. Tears filled her eyes and an uneasy feeling in my stomach when I stared at my brother across the room who was staring at mama's affection. His eyes looked so weird to me. Like I've seen them before today.

I haven't seen him since he ran, but it feels like I did. Or at least I saw his eyes. My mama hasn't aged, she still looks painfully young. Her hair a pretty shade of dark brown, wavy and healthy. And she keeps up with clothing trends, so you already know that she looks amazing. My father and Killian were apparently talking in my papa's office, and my brother and I haven't spoken yet.

"Aaliyah, can you help me in the kitchen?" I nod, walking with her towards the massive kitchen in awkward silence. The chandelier lights flickering as we made it into the kitchen. The whole entire house looked the same, it's been over a month since I've been here, and it makes me feel so disgusted.

Being back here, the whole family back in one building. I would've loved this as a kid, all of us being civil and nice. This is hell on earth for me. The awkwardness felt unbearable, I haven't seen this woman since I was 14, or somewhere along those lines.

"So, how's marriage dear?" I wanted to scoff, laugh in her face. I missed her dearly, but she left me. They always leave, people I loved with all my heart and soul  end up leaving. It's as if I meant nothing, absolutely nothing to them. I was just a convenience to most, or a burden.

These were the times I wanted to drown in alcohol, everytime I used to get blackout drunk as a teenager, I was an idiot. I was a party animal, a reckless teenager who didn't give a living shit for herself.

I was an addict to alcohol back then because it helped me cope with the fact that my mother and brother abandoned me. But I finally got better, finally had control. I drank a little and then left it alone, I haven't gotten drunk in years. I felt proud of myself, felt like I actually achieved something with nobody else's help.  Nobody helped me through that process of my drinking addiction, and honestly I'm happy that nobody did.

It means I did by myself, I got here by myself and nobody can say they were the ones saving me. Because nobody did, I wasn't a damsel in distress.

I wanted to go home already, everything was awkward, the tension in the room. And it wasn't good tension, it wasn't the sort of tension that makes you feel like your on cloud 9, but this was the tension that you wanted to run from.

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