Chapter Nineteen ~ Oreo

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AN: I love y'all sm, this book isn't my greatest tbh but I'm trying to continue n I probs will but it will def not be my only book on Wattpad! Anyway vote n comment ❤️

AN: I love y'all sm, this book isn't my greatest tbh but I'm trying to continue n I probs will but it will def not be my only book on Wattpad! Anyway vote n comment ❤️

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~Aaliyah Cortez~

Drinking was never my taste, nor was getting drunk till I was blackout drunk. But the temptations alcohol gave made me want to give in, give in to the intoxication that is drinking but...there was no but. Nothing was really stopping me from drinking till my heart gave out, till my body couldn't keep itself upwards. The blaring lights of the club made my eyes blur and my head fuzz.

Tequila in my eye view, along with so many other drinks. The way people's minds go blank when they take a shot and let go of every stress they've ever had. I wanted tonight to be the night where I got so drunk I couldn't see straight, but there was a mission to accomplish.

Grabbing the glass full of "vodka" which was just water, I took a sip as I looked around the dancing crowd. VIP area was awfully crowded and hell that didn't make my job any easier.

Ivy was out taking out every guard around this club, she's sleek and quiet when she kills. I've seen it, and it scared me so fucking bad. She doesn't care, she'll kill without a second thought and won't even look back. I don't care who I kill as long as they're dead, frankly I used to be so scared of blood and bodies but now, I couldn't care less.

My eyes snap to the target, Xavier. Bingo. I chug the last bit of water before putting my drunk face on. Stumbling towards the dance floor as the music blasts. The music deafening as I walked past the dance floor to the private couches across the club. I saw him, sitting man spreaded with girls caressing and touching him.

I puckered my lips, walking over there with a powerful yet drunken stride. This man wasn't a good one, he was a man convicted of so many crimes it's uncanny. Sexual assault, human trafficking etc. I stood in between the man's legs, the girls who were all over him looked at me like I took candy from a baby.

"Mm, you look so pretty." The man says through the loud music. Then he hushes the other girls away and pulls me onto his lap. I had an earpiece on just in case anything went south, his guards were clearly out of sight thanks to our greatest assassin Ivy West.

My hands caress his arms seductively, my lips breathing against his. "Keep your hands off him Aaliyah, just lead him away from the crowd and bring him outside." Killian speaks into the earpiece and I fight the urge to roll my eyes at his annoying tone.

The security cameras were all over this place, and were infiltrated by us obviously.

I was over his protective, overbearing self. I may be his wife but I'm not his fucking property nor do I need to listen to his every word. I tilt my head, playing with Xavier's hair as his hands snake around my waist to pull me closer towards him. "Mm, babe could we head outside?"

I whisper into his ear, adding a little moan into it even though I wanted to fucking puke at the mention of the word BABE? Gross. Xavier looked at me wary, his green eyes looking at me with no trust. I make a pouting face, holding his face in my hands as the smell of alcohol reaches me.

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