Chapter Thirty One~ All yours

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AN: YALL GONNA LOVE ME FOR THIS CHAPPP!!!! anyway vote n comment- LOVE U GUYSSS <3

AN: YALL GONNA LOVE ME FOR THIS CHAPPP!!!! anyway vote n comment- LOVE U GUYSSS <3

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~Aaliyah Cortez~

I can hear every little movement, every insignificant fucking sound haunts me. I've heard Bella and Ivy talking, all I wanted to do was hug all of them. But my body is numb. It felt like I was trapped in a dark room, a dark room filled with negativity. My mind is exactly that. I can't manage to move a single part of my body, all I can do is breathe.

I can't speak, my mouth won't move and it's killing me. I felt nauseous, scared and trapped. Every trauma I've felt came back, and I'm not awake to do anything about it. The moments back at the cell, when he fucking showed the same knife I used to harm myself to me. Everything. It hurts so much. Physically and mentally I feel drained.

"Her heart rate is getting higher, it's a good sign. She'll soon wake up." I hear someone say and Ivy mumbles something. I wanted to wake up. I can't. I need to. I try to move my arms, fuck I need to get up. Calm down. I wanted to scream, I felt so invalidated and fucking trapped that everything felt disgusting. My mind flashes back to Killian, carrying me through the crossfire. Bullets flying, barely missing his head. Shit. Is he okay? Shit. Fuck.

I feel my jaw clench and my heart pump faster and faster. No no no. Is he alive? I feel a tear pass down my cheek and then someone wipe it off. I need him to be okay. I'm not letting him go.

I scowl internally when I hear multiple doctors talk about how shit my health is. We all know it. News flash doctors I was kidnapped for 3 days and beaten so... I need to see him. I need to wake the fuck up. I've been counting the seconds, the minutes and the hours.

Soon 2 hours pass and I'm still in this dark setting, I cant open my eyes and all I can do is think. Think about how my husband may be dead. Think about the abuse I had to endure for three days straight.

"It's been two weeks, why hasn't she woke up?" Killian. I feel something poke into my arm and my body freezes. I need to get up fuck! I felt numb, all my pain surges away and I felt like stone. "She will wake up soon, it'll be a matter of time." I hear Killian's scoff, and someone sitting down on a chair. A door suddenly closes and the room becomes deadly silent. "Hi princess." Hi darling, I wanted to respond but I couldn't.

"It feels weird, talking to you and not getting a snarky, bratty response back-" He chuckles, and for a split second I heard his voice break. My heart clenches. "I miss you." He states, softly. I felt his hand slowly interlock with mine and I wanted to squeeze his but I couldn't. I could slightly move the tip of my fingers. Come on! This is the worst misfortune brought upon me, all I wanted to do was hug him even though he's an asshole, that's all I wanted to do.

"I need you awake, baby. Please come back to me."

I ignore the pain surging through me, ignoring my heart rate going even higher and dismissing the thumping in my head. I shoot up from the fucking coma I was in and snap my eyes open. Adjusting to the light, my eyes meet a shocked Killian.

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