Chapter Forty Six~ One knee

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AN : I just realised I cant make this book chaotic anymore (insert sad face) but whatever, happy readers, happy life right? LMAOOOO, anyway, this chapter involves happy life and no tragedy unfortunately. YALL GO READ MY NEXT BOOK TOO, I POSTED THAT CHAP TDY AS WELL!!! love u guys, vote n comment, GIANNA CANT WAIT TO SEE UR COMMENTS ML <333


~Aaliyah Cortez~

It's been two months since everything. Two months of stress free sleep, two months of happiness with the man who captured my heart. We've been together for a year now, counting those months of marriage. And new years eve is today. A whole new year of freedom is coming.

A grin emerges on my face when I stare at the large balloon arch that Killian and I blew up individually which caused his face to become slightly purple from the loss of air. And of course he used that opportunity to say something cheesy, "This is how I am when you look at me, it feels like I can't breathe." Were the words he uttered with the fattest of grins. Love is all I never felt for years on end of my life, constantly begging for the bare minimum and then Killian came into my life.

Giving me more than the minimum and loving me until the end. Hell If he asked to marry now, I'd say yes without hesitation. Love makes you do crazy things, crazy like killing hundreds for you, crazy like risking your life for someone else. Those things happened between him and I, and I don't regret a single moment between us.

I've never felt a stronger connection between us and I won't let it die, neither will he. The days he spent in the hospital weren't the greatest, but he pulled through the pain that dug at his skin and made it out healed. I made him stay in bed a week before he could do things on his own, because I didn't want him to be doing things himself whilst in pain.

My eyes shoot down to the text from Ivy and I smile softly. She had sent me a picture of her in Greece, a beautiful sunset showing in the photo along with a crystal clear ocean behind her. My eyes squint, trying to make out the figure in the background of the photo who she cleverly blurred. But I could find that angry, infuriated frown embedded face anywhere.

Dominic fucking Morales. No way they are at the beach together, I knew they had a mission in Greece, but this isn't apart of it clearly.

Me : Ivy Jessica West. I am sure going to the beach with the man who once broke your heart isn't part of your mission, now is it?

Ivy : Listen, you have to hear me out!

Me : I'm listening

Ivy : He's being...too attractive, like y'know when you hate someone but think they are so god damn hot, like hotter than the sun and you can memorize their every feature and want them so bad?

Me : Yes, but does he think the same about you?

She's more delusional than me, sure they could be a cute couple, but Dominic is a man who doesn't apologize. When Killian used to act like the biggest first class asshole, Dominic was that but 20 times worse. I don't want him to break her heart again, because then she'll have to repair when he broke all over again and I have a feeling he won't be there in the long run.

Ivy : don't ruin this for me, let me live my delusions onwards.

I roll my eyes, thumbing up her message before walking out of the living room and into the kitchen to see my love cooking dinner. He was shirtless. And I could already feel the heat flooding to my core when I see him flex his back muscles. His hair messy as my eyes trail down to the gray sweatpants. There's nothing hotter than a man in gray sweatpants and nobody can fight me on that opinion.

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