Chapter Thirty Two~ Happy birthday!

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AN : Hiiii, mb for the late ass updates, I have a class in like 5 but anywayyy enjoy, vote n comment for the next chapter!!! Unedited so there may be mistakes

AN : Hiiii, mb for the late ass updates, I have a class in like 5 but anywayyy enjoy, vote n comment for the next chapter!!! Unedited so there may be mistakes

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~Killian Knight~

There is one thing nobody warned me about when getting married to Aaliyah, how easy she can get you roped into anything, I will do anything she asks and right now, even though I despise birthdays and everything they stand for but right now I'm standing in the hospital room with Aaliyah, holding a cake and waiting for Sebastian to come so we can wish him a happy birthday.

"Oh stop being such a grinch, put a smile on that face." She coos, staring with a teasing smirk. I roll my eyes, and she laughs softly. Seeing her in this state makes me still feel so fucking mad, seeing that they abused her with no remorse, makes me feel such anger I've never felt.

She's still in the hospital, still on IV, and yet she is still thriving. Her smiles still as bright as before, her hazel eyes still glistened like before but I knew it was for show. I know that she's hiding it, hiding the fear, the worry, the anxiety, everything. "I'm getting sick of waiting." She groans, her head falling back.

"Just a few more minutes, princess. Bells is bringing him over." She grins at me sweetly, and I swear to fucking god my heart pumps faster. She makes me feel...such incredible emotions and feelings that I used to want to fight off, to ignore and destroy. But now, I want to welcome them with open arms. She's the embodiment of enchantment, greatness and everything in between, she is everything. My world.

My princess.

"Killian, put the cake down and come here for a second." I frown, placing the cake down at a nearby table and walking over to her. She quickly pulls me in with my tie, grasping my attention within seconds and my lips as well.

Her lips met mine, soft and plump as she kissed me with great passion. I groan against her lips when she smiles, her cheeky, mischievous smile makes me realize what she's doing. Her hand trailed to my fucking ass to take my phone out of my back pocket.

"What in the world did I just walk into?" Dominic. I groan in annoyance when Aaliyah's lips part from mine and she stares at me, waiting for me to tell her my password. "So you both are just ignoring the fact that I just walked in on you guys eating each other's faces?"

"Yes." Aaliyah and I say in union.

"What's your password Killi?" I raise my eyebrow at her, confused on why she wants my password but instead of questioning her motives I take the phone and show her the password as I type it out.

"Thanks darling." That goddamn nickname. I completely ignore Dominic's existence and claim her lips. Pecking her lips softly she gasps in surprise and I could hear Dominic's gagging.

His eyes flashed in disgust and I send him a smirk. Aaliyah's cheeks flush, a shade of pink tinted her cheeks and her eyes stared at me with a 'what the fuck' look. "I swear to god, you guys are sickening."

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