Chapter Thirty Three ~ Betrayal

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AN : guys im so sorry for the late update, thanks to whoever still has hope in this story and is still interested, love you guys so much and I adore you all. Your support means so much to me and I am so grateful for you all. I hope this chapter is to your guys liking even though it's really really gonna make yall mad....... vote n comment!!! thanks babiesss love u all. unedited, may bw confusing im tired n not awake..

 unedited, may bw confusing im tired n not awake

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~Aaliyah Knight~

His head nuzzles in my chest, the movie plays at a low volume as he lightly snores. I've been discharged and now I'm sitting in Killian's million dollar home in a nature environment with luxury interiors and exterior. I wanted to go bake and do something with my life but I have been banned from doing anything for myself for at least a few days, Killian's orders. Orders I plan on ignoring. Just not now because he's so adorable cuddled in my chest. I swear he never sleeps.

His head shuffles as his soft breathing echos the room. We were watching the notebook, my favorite movie. It's an original, a great love story mixed with angst and sadness. I shuffle slightly as his hands slyly hold me closer. "Princess don't let go." He whispers softly. My heart aches, and my breath gets caught in my throat as his soft whispers. Princess don't let go. I smile softly to myself, holding him tightly but not too tight to awaken him. He's amazing, his everything makes me feel such intense emotions that I never felt. Sometimes I wonder how we got here, I hated him, hell I loathed him but now? It's the complete opposite. He makes everything seem so much lighter, like every stress that I have fades from my body when he's near.

I think I love him...

He's been with me since I got discharged, he's done everything for me. From being in the room when I wake up to bringing me gifts everyday and books and food. Everything I ever need he brings, little does he know that he is everything I need. I don't dare move a muscle as I watch the movie, slowly rubbing the outer of his hand with my thumb softly. Even though I try focusing on the movie my mind flashes to him. He keeps entering my thoughts without consent and hell I love it.

As my hands play with his hair my phone dings. I look down at the phone to see an unknown number texting me.

Unknown : Go to a separate room, where nobody can hear.

I frown in confusion, quickly picking up my phone and typing back.

Me : Hell no

Unknown : Aaliyah, it's important.

My heart stops when the unknown user says my name. I quickly but softly move off the bed and out of the room without him noticing. I make my way outside towards the garden, the night sky shines with pretty stars and the moon fully shines it's white light at the house.

Me : I'm alone

Unknown : Good. Now wait

And so I do, minutes pass as the wind passes me. What the hell, why am I listening to this stranger. I sigh, sitting down in the grass as I stare at the moon. Life was just getting a little better too, whoever this is, has to be trouble.

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