Chapter forty five ~ We never will

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AN : Hi my loves, as you know I have a new book out! and as I said when I published it, it will be a priority but that is only because this book is coming to an end very soon. I have the ending, epilouge and everything planned out so soon this book will live it's happily ever after like you all have begged for (I wanted to kill them off so bad).... anyway, this chapter is cute very cute!

It's short guys, the chapter and I will write longer ones but I am js tired as I write this and I will write more, promise!

SO HAVE FUN, VOTE AND COMMENT MY RATS LOVES GOROGOUS PEOPLE.... just be happy im letting them live fr. LMAO

~Aaliyah Cortez~

It's been a week since everything happened and Killian has awakened, but, he's insanely weak. And rightfully so, his body has barely recovered from the torture he was forced to endure. I hadn't even fully registered the fact that he wasn't awake for days, he could barely speak and it had broken my heart all over again. I haven't left the hospital since the incident even though every single person in the family told me to go home but I refused to leave his side and I still refuse, I love him and I'm not leaving again.

His heavy breathing breaks me out of my train of thoughts as my eyes instantly look at him, expecting him to look back but he was sleeping. It was 11pm and I should be asleep right now but my mind couldn't rest.

I just can't rest knowing the love of my life is in so much pain and I cant do anything to ease his state. My deep breaths synced with his as I closed my eyes, panic rushing through my body like a force to be reckoned with. I knew he was going to be okay, the doctors confirmed it, but his airway pipes are damaged from the amount of abuse it had to take.

I wouldn't have expected him to choose to die rather than me, I never wanted him to choose that, I'd rather him live than me because a world without him is a world not worth living for. I sigh softly, my thoughts consuming me instead of sleep as my eyes softly close.

"Aaliyah." And suddenly my body bolts of energy and my eyes snap open to see Killian staring at me, with those gray eyes I so greatly adore. He's awake. He's speaking, but raspily. My heart warms when I see the slightest of smiles appear on his lips. It's not his natural smile, the smile that has two dimples appear on each side, but this smile is rather bittersweet. Happy and sad.

"Killian." I couldn't help the wide smile that forms on my lips, and it wouldn't go away at all. It stayed on the entire night as we spoke for hours on end. "Your so corny, you know that?" Killian mumbled, stifling the laugh that was clear as day. "I'm corny? You literally say the cheesiest things ever." He scoffs at my accusation but he doesn't deny it. We both know it's true, he straight up said, are you cheese? Because I'm lactose intolerant which caused a fight because I read into things too deeply.

"I won't deny it, but admit it, you're just as corny as me." He argues and I grin. He's smiling, like his genuine smile. He's arguing with me, he's laughing with me, only me. He now argues with me about the fact that he's fine and wants to leave the hospital. "I'm telling you I'm fine, amore."

"No your not, everyday for the last week you could barely speak or move, and just because your now speaking and somewhat moving does not in fact mean you get to roam around the world when you are still not fully healed." He was about to open his mouth again to argue but with one single glare his mouth shut close.

"Can we at least go downstairs to get hot chocolate?" A sigh escapes my lips as I stare at the clock, I didn't want him walking this late but alas this is his hospital and he needs to see more humans than just the family.

"Okay fine, darling." A dimple filled smile reaches his lips and my heart warms at the sight.

I love him so much.

I help him from the bed even as he whines saying he doesn't need my help. I don't care how badly he pushes me away, I love him and I vowed to stay by him. Our hands are linked together as we walked slowly, going by his pace as we stepped into the elevator. His hand left mine and snaked around my waist, a devious smirk playing on his lips. 

"Y'know, this would be the perfect spot to make out?" His uncalled for comment makes me stare skeptically, but the smile on my face couldn't be hidden. I leaned in, leaving the smallest of kisses on his lips before grinning which made him roll his pretty eyes. We make our way to the cafe with his warm hand intertwined with mine.

His warmth was like the feeling of sitting near a warm fireplace on a wintery night, magical. Fuck, I never knew love could feel this way until now, only with him.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks, his eyes looking straight ahead at the cafe that only had one worker who was chewing obnoxiously loud with her hot pink gum.

"How much I love you." We stopped in our tracks and his eyes immediately met mine.

His eyes softened at me. "I love you, more than you will ever know, princess."

"I know." Our smiles couldn't be masked around one another, no matter how badly we wanted to hide our flaws, we couldn't. He always saw right through me and found a way to comfort me. I adore him for it.

We took a seat in the empty cafe, not a soul in sight as we got the hot chocolate that tasted horrifying. I took another sip, trying to mask my disgust but I felt like I was going to utterly vomit in the hot mug. "Taste good?" He raised a brow, testing me with the slightest of grins as he sipped

calmly on the hot chocolate like it didn't taste like an abomination. "Mhm." I grunted stubbornly, drinking my hot chocolate like it tasted good and sweet even though it tasted bitter and sour.

"I love how you always love to challenge me, it turns me the fuck on." I roll my eyes, giving up on the hot chocolate and our eyes meet. Never looking away from one another.

We never will.

AN : AND DONE. soon you all will be joyous about the ending and everything, it'll be cute......don't trust me I have mood swings and I might change it up.


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