Chapter Ten ~ And we meet again

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AN: please vote n comment lovelies, shit took too long to write tbh n writing on a plane makes my brain wanna die 🥰, I LOVE YOUR COMMENTS AS WELL I READ ALL OF EM🫶🏽 so enjoy the wack ass ride chapter is babes! Super un edited so lmk for mistakes or if any confusion is involved

AN: please vote n comment lovelies, shit took too long to write tbh n writing on a plane makes my brain wanna die 🥰, I LOVE YOUR COMMENTS AS WELL I READ ALL OF EM🫶🏽 so enjoy the wack ass ride chapter is babes! Super un edited so lmk for mistake...

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~Aaliyah Cortez~

Wedding morning. A morning most brides look forward to, but this day is the day I dreaded most. I stare at myself through the vanity mirror as I get my hair done.

I truly wanted no memory of today, last night was already too much to bare and today was going to fucking drown me.

I didn't want to see Killian, I didn't need him defending me last night. Last night, I swear I saw a flash of jealousy go through those gray eyes.

He doesn't love me, he won't. I do not want him to. I can live with a loveless marriage, this day is just like any other. "Don't be nervous." Bella whispers to me as the makeup artist roughly blended my foundation.

"I'm not, I just don't want this marriage." I murmur softly and Bella looks at me with sympathy. The makeup artist finishes my makeup swiftly, the look was matte and absolutely done to perfection. I'd enjoy this great look if it wasn't for this hellish day.

The dress clung to my curves and my hair was curled and styled. The black  heels I had on were  going to give me blisters. I looked taller with these heels, but

I knew these heels weren't going to beat Killian's massive height. I sigh as I look at myself through the mirror. None of this truly went through my brain, but now that I'm looking at myself in a wedding dress, the veil that was hanging on the back of my head. I had to flip it over to cover my face, then I'd walk down the aisle and marry a man I just met.

Elsa would be ashamed of me. Ever since I was just a little girl I hoped I'd marry for love. My mama used to read me fairytales. I'd always imagine myself as Belle, someone who'd not fall in love with just a pretty face, but a pretty soul.

But here I stand, getting ready to marry the devil within a few minutes. I want love, pure and true love. Passionate love, when they look into your eyes and only see you and nobody else.

I want what Bella and Sebastian have, I know they're in love. Just the way Sebastian knows every little detail about Bella and how Bella looks at him with heart eyes, they don't ever tear their eyes away from one anothers.

I always adored the meaning of love, I loved Zane, but he wasn't the one. I always knew he wasn't the one, but I stayed because I thought he'd change. Fool.

Killian and I are like the moon and the sun, we live in two different skies, two people who are forced into one, and if one collides into the other, we are reduced to nothing.

I noticed how toxic Zane was the second he grabbed me forcefully at the club. Everything came crashing down at that moment.

The realization that I was truly manipulated by a man who had no trouble tearing me down. He always told me my hips were too wide, my stretch marks were too hideous to look at so he wouldn't even touch me half of the time.

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