Chapter Twenty Four~ Only for you

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AN: MY HEAD IS POUNDING, I just sorted out my courses for school and trying to figure out stuff for psychology and shittt!!! its Killian's d- VOTE AND COMMENT LOVELIES @DaniiiTaylorsversion this is for you bae 😍 LMAO anyway smut time babes

~Aaliyah Cortez~

I land on his bed, his hands already on my waist as the window shows the shining moonlight. He had already locked the door, his wounds were the only thing that worried me. He also grabbed a condom within seconds like an eager puppy. Maybe we shouldn't continue this. Maybe this isn't right. Maybe I should call this off. "Are you having second thoughts?" He asks, staring into my eyes with a soft look.

"I'm just worried about your wounds." I whisper and he refrains a smile. "Don't worry about me, just worry about figuring out how you're going to walk tomorrow." Cocky man. He smirks against my neck, his lips at the sensitive nape of my neck making shivers run down my spine. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest.

I'm about get fucked by the man who told me to stay away from him. Well I guess this is what I got when I decided to poke the bear. He reminds me of a bear, a big tall scary man but a softy when you hug him. I wanted to look around his room, he had a gun display that I was one hundred percent looking through later, a shit ton of car keys hooked on his dark walls. The modern side of his room made him...more sexier?

"You're a softy." I blurt out and he stares at me for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. He gawks at my lips, a storm of emotion swarms his pretty eyes but I don't exactly know what. "Only for you." I swallow the lump in my throat, holy fucking shit. My eyes flutter close when I feel his sloppy kisses on my neck, I knew he was going to leave marks.

He did that last time, and I had to cover it up with fucking concealer. I writhed against him, my faint pants echoing the room as his hands teased my body. I was in a skimpy black tank top and shorts. He was going to make me pay for teasing him earlier, and I want him to.

"Take it all off." He mumbles faintly against my ear. His hot breath made my knees weak. I knew this was going to be a bad idea at the end, this was going to fuck everything up but right now my pussy was so wet and aching I just wanted his dick buried inside of me. I comply with his demand, taking off my tank top and shorts, his dick grows hard at the view.

I bite my cheek in anticipation as I lay back, his hands trailing my body as his lips take my nipple in. I moan softly, his index finger reaches down and plays with my clit.

This was teasing, fuck I didn't want foreplay I wanted his dick inside of me. My back arches when I feel just the tip of his finger inside of me. I whimper, wanting so much more than what he's giving me.

"Tell me I can do anything I want with you." He mumbles, his bruised knuckles trailing up my bare thighs. I exhale softly when I feel his lips move from my nipple to my neck.

I nod, my thighs rub together, trying to create any sort of friction to ease the aching. My eyebrows furrow as his hands leave a trail of fire. I needed him inside of me, I needed him to corrupt me in the greatest ways possible.

I nod, excited to see what he's going to do to me. "Worded consent." Fuck. He plunges his index finger deep inside of me. "You can do anything you want with me."

I cry out when his thumb rubs on my pussy. I felt myself getting more and more wet. I could feel his other hand trailing my body. "Good girl." His praising makes everything so much more twisted, it makes me so fucking turned on.

Shivers travel down my spine when I feel his lips teasing my neck and his fucking fingers teasing my pussy and clit. My eyes flutter shut, trying to anticipate his next move. I moan softly when he adds another finger to the mix.

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