Chapter Thirty Six ~ I missed you too

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AN : Yall gonna love me for this chap, its short sorry babes but im tired and have so many assighments to finish, but maybe tn ill do a double update <3 LOVE U ALL FOR WAITING AND VOTE N COMMENT!! <333333

AN : Yall gonna love me for this chap, its short sorry babes but im tired and have so many assighments to finish, but maybe tn ill do a double update <3 LOVE U ALL FOR WAITING AND VOTE N COMMENT!! <333333

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~Killian Knight~

I stand beside Rachel, my hand unwillingly entangled with hers as I resist the urge to puke all over the marble floors. I was wearing a black suit, my tattoos showing and my hair was interesting...We were behind the main doors of my new hotel opening. The idea is that this hotel displays innocence and royalty but behind the scenes is where the deals go down.

I grab the doors and slam them wide open, peoples eyes meet ours and we walk. Rachel flashes a fake disgusting smile to the crowd, holding both our hands up as if we were really in love. Showing off the fakeness of this deal.

I have yet to figure out the snipers following Aaliyah's every move, and the first thing I so badly want to do is to tell her, to keep her in my arms and keep her safe. But I can't, Rachel is putting all her energy into making sure I stay away from her and make sure I cant have any contact with her. And god I miss her so much.

My chest tightens at the thought of her pretty dark hair perfectly fallen and her hazel eyes staring with such beauty. My heart race picks up as I walk through the main lobby of the hotel, people drinking, people chatting up like they've known each other for centuries and beyond. It's pathetic and fake, almost as pathetic as I feel knowing I can't save Aaliyah right now. I feel so stuck, so trapped in a position I cannot escape from.

I quickly release  her hand and walk off, ignoring her clearly heated stare. My headache gets worse as I fake a smile and talk to associates that I dislike greatly. As I spoke to one of my closer associates, people took this opening to catch up with other clients and members, but what I didn't expect when I turned my head was to see Aaliyah. Aaliyah's arm was wrapped around a tall man's arm.

Jealousy ran through my veins as I stared at the two, chatting it up, fucking laughing. I ignore every voice in my head telling me not to go over there but before I could, Dominic pulls me away and we end up in a corner of the lobby. "I did it." Relief floods through me.

"I got the snipers, and Rachel is back at the house, go get your girl Killian." Fuck yes. I almost wanted to scream of happiness, but then I remember there's someone touching my girl, my fucking wife. I walk over there in large strides, the boyish looking man stares in disgust and I get the same exact stare from Aaliyah. "I need to talk to you." I say gruffly, and she stares at me like I'm crazy. Her date runs off just at the sight of me and I stand in front of her. "What the hell do you want?"

"I need to talk to you...about everything." Just for a second, a millisecond her eyes flash with hurt and my chest tightens. "You can't waltz in and always get what you want, and a conversation with me is something you are never getting, not after everything."

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