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~Aaliyah Knight~

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~Aaliyah Knight~

I scream when a water ballon comes my way, ducking immediately. Lord these kids are demons. I grab a balloon from the cooler, throwing it at Ivy and she screeches. Life for the last four years has been great. Everything feels right, feels like nothing can go wrong. I yelp, being pulled out of my thoughts when my three year old comes towards me at full speed, pushing me down onto the sand.

Hazel smiles, climbing on top of me. Her brother comes towards me, climbing on top of me with her and my oxygen became nonexistent. Twins, these two were twins who did everything together. Hazel was named because Killian insisted on her being named after my eyes, so obviously her brother had to be named Grayson because of Killian's eyes. I have the strongest feeling that once Hazel becomes older, she'll love the meaning of her name, and Grayson will be disgusted.

The grins that feast all of our faces makes my heart beat fast. I remember years ago, my life was in shambles. I had nothing to lose, now here I am, a family of my own, the love of my life and everyone who surrounded me loved me. Life can change, and it's a surprising fact. Grabbing my babies, I carry them towards the beach chairs Killian had rested out. "Listen, you're just a sore loser who sucks at volleyball." Dominic's voice travels through my ears as my head snaps to the direction he was in.

Killian, Seb and Dom were all playing volleyball, and Killian was a competitive man so I do worry for those two. I place the two on their own chairs and they roll their eyes at their father. Hazel giggles when Killian throws the ball right at Dominic's head. "OW!" I join in on her laugh, and soon enough everyone continues to laugh.

Ivy comes into view, throwing me a bottle of sprite as she drinks her martini in peace. The kids look at her weird and so she clarifies and says that her drink is just "juice". Grinning, I open the bottle and drink as I stare at my very shirtless husband..

His abs were toned, and he's gotten even more attractive once he became a dad. When I see him playing with the kids, doing things with them, it makes my heart beam. Maybe it's because I didn't get to grow with a proper dad, but it makes me so happy when I see my kids happy with him. I know he will forever treat them right, and there is no doubt about it. Ivy screeches when Dominic runs towards her at full speed, picking her up by the waist and kissing her softly.

They fixed their relationship, and now they are more lovey than Killian and I combined. Dominic celebrated their one year anniversary by taking her to her favourite summer festival as a kid, and I swear I've never seen my best friend more happy. She's found her peace, and she deserves the best. Hazel and Gray run towards the water, smiling and giggling as they splash.

They know not to go deeper, just because I gentle parent doesn't mean I won't somewhat yell at my kids for doing something stupid. But I also keep in mind that they are young, so I need to let them grow.

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