Chapter Fourteen ~ Italy

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AN: This book lowkey be cringing the shi out of me but ANYWAY, hope yall realise I have the plot written out n every plot twist is gonna fuck wit yall sm <3vote n comment for the next chap cuz that's gonna be wild. Unedited btw ENJOY

 Unedited btw ENJOY

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~Killian Knight~

"Aaliyah and Ivy will kill the Greek mafia's second command for their mission." Is the words my father told me, he told me to go and tell them to murder the Greek mafia's second command in Italy. We all were on the plane, Aaliyah cuddled up beside Ivy whilst Dominic was typing on his laptop. My father told me to tell Aaliyah and Ivy once we get off the plane.

I know Ivy's a trained assassin, but Aaliyah's family is conservative, and not open to letting women fight. So my mind runs, wondering how she managed to shoot so perfectly, subtly stab Zane with Zane having no indication that she was going to do that to him.

How she's so sleek with her motions, how she's so playful and joyous but so closed off and restricted at the same time.

Her bullet wound isn't completely healed, she may not have remembered me there but I was in the hospital as she was asleep, whilst she was in the OR getting the bullet removed, I was there for hours until someone told me Ivy was on her way so I left with no trace.

I told Zane to stay away from my wife and he didn't listen, now he sits rotting in a cell below my home. Karmas a bitch.

He clearly doesn't think with his head, even holding a gun to him, he still went and got so many people to come and try to take Aaliyah. But they couldn't so they resorted to shooting her. In a moment of weakness, I was begging for her to open her eyes, begging for her heart to beat.

But now that I'm truly thinking, what is it that draws me towards those hazel eyes?

I sat across from the two cuddling best friends, sitting beside Dominic as he typed angrily on his laptop. "Why so angry, dommy boy?" He glares through the side of his eye before turning back to his laptop screen which was so incredibly bright.

Now I understand why he can't see for shit. Aaliyah hasn't looked my way the whole plane ride, her eyes staring out the window. The view is magnificent, that I'll say. "The stupid mission is dangerous, and sending those two will end in...well death."

"Why do you care?" I ask annoyingly, my lips twitching up just a bit and his staying in a straight line. "Keep asking idiotic questions and you'll end up like Zane." That caught Aaliyah's attention. Her eyes go from the view outside to mine within seconds. I send her a smirk and she realizes what happened to Zane.

She rolls her hazel eyes as the sun makes her eyes glow beautifully. God damn. We had 30 more minutes till we got off the plane and to my mama's villa.

My father dreads that place because of the fact that my abuela, his mother, hates him with every bone in her body. I love abuela but she hates him. It's kind of funny to me. Aaliyah's legs bounced up and down when we were preparing for land, her hand grasping Ivy's. She doesn't like landings? Huh.

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