Chapter Fifteen ~ I want more

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AN : Smut time lovelies, buckle up for this amazing rollercoaster. TWO HANDS ON THE DEVICE BABIES AND IF YALL SONT VOTE AND COMMENT ISTG IM SWINGINGGGG


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~Killian Knight~

That one word made me want to fuck her instantly, rough and fast. No breaks, just her moans and screams echoing the room. I wanted to slam into her with no remorse.

But fuck, I wanted to consume her, slowly I wanted to make her beg. Her begs, pleads will be the one thing I'll hear. That's what I truly want. I want to hear her smart mouth shut and her innocence leave her heart. Corruption is what will happen.

The door was already locked.. I could hear her heartbeat race, the fear in her pretty eyes. Quickly, I took her shorts off and saw her laced underwear, red. I smirked.

"Take off your dress, princess." She complies, looking at me with hunger. The hesitant look she had a few moments before was long gone. "Tell me if your wound hurts, or if anything does. Tell me if you need me to stop." She rolls her eyes, fucking stubborn girl.

My eyes snap to her thighs, her scarred thighs. Her eyes flash and my heart fucking aches. My finger trails her scars, her body winces. "I'm fine now, Killian." She murmurs and I almost scoff, my lips kissing each scar softly like when she kissed the one on my wrist.

For some reason, my heart is drawn to her and honestly, I want to let it happen. I want to know what caused her to do this to herself, and hell if she ever wants to tell me I'll be there for her every step of the damn way.

"You're beautiful, baby." I look up to see her lips twitch up in that smile I adore.

"Fucking touch me, Knight. Or do I need to get someone else to do it?" The lights flickered, my eyes narrowed to her. The thought of her with another man...fuck it made me want to kill.

Without a second thought, I ripped the underwear off within seconds and she flinched. Her gasp was soft, gentle. Soft and gentle is the last thing she's getting.

Her smart mouth is going to cost her. I was mindful of her wound, making sure to stay away from that area and keeping my hands away from that. I didn't want to hurt her in any way.

"That was fucking expensive." I scoff at her words. I climb on top of her, her breathing uneven as I blow on her nipple.

One of my  hands on her waist, holding her down, the other cupping her pussy. "Let another man touch you, baby and I'll give him the most painful death known to man as I fuck you in the same room."

She has no time to react, one of my fingers plunges into her tight hole. "Fuck!" She exclaimed, moans slipping out of her, her back arching but I moved my hand to hold her stomach down as I thrust my finger in and out of her.

She was tight, her wet pussy spurring with arousal. "So wet for me Aaliyah." I murmur, my lips pecking her neck. I play with her wetness, making this all too much for just the beginning.

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