Chapter Sixteen ~ Assumptions

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AN : My girl Ali has my heart ngl, this chap made me feel sorry for her HAHAHAHA BYE VOTE N COMMENT FOR THE NEXT CHAP LOVELIES

AN : My girl Ali has my heart ngl, this chap made me feel sorry for her HAHAHAHA BYE VOTE N COMMENT FOR THE NEXT CHAP LOVELIES

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~Aaliyah Cortez~

He was cold. Distant. And his gaze avoided mine. Did he regret what happened a mere 10 minutes ago? Was he repulsed by me? He seemed to want me as much as I wanted him, so what changed? What made his eyes divert from my presence and his body tense when I was near? We were all sitting at the dinner table,

Killian and I sitting beside one another, Ivy and Dominic sitting across from us as some aunties sit around the table with abuela. I cut a piece of lasagna and plop it on my plate, everyone else doing the same.

Killian doesn't even touch the food, instead he excuses himself and leaves the fucking table. I wasn't worried, but more curious about his different behavior. If he was going to just use me for my body and reel me in, why must it be me he has to torture?

I ate the cheesy lasagna, but my stomach still felt empty. I was hungry, but the emptiness resting in my stomach wasn't caused from hunger, but by deprivation of affection and love, care.

Those were the last things I needed from Killian, knowing well he wouldn't give that to me, but a part of me expected him to at least look at me with a sheepish grin at least once during this dull night.

But instead, he ignored me, like I was a cheap whore. It was like what Zane did, when he treated me all pampered like but still broke me.

I wasn't even in love with Killian and yet he used me. At least that's what I assume. It all felt so familiar to me, the heartache after no care. I noticed after sex or these activities, love and care is never given afterwards.

This time I gave consent knowing he wasn't capable of giving that love to me, that affection, or the simple touches of bliss, he wasn't going to give it to me and I still gave him my consent.

Beforehand, my consent wasn't needed for most, people took what they wanted, people took me for granted and never asked.

Nobody cared for the words "Yes" and nobody cared for the words "No" it all didn't matter as long as they got what they wanted. Which was just my body. Never my heart, never my soul, never my words. Just my body. It was always about my body and looks.

My exterior was worth more than my interior. And at this point, I should've came to terms with it. But, my heart still has this familiar tightening ache that makes it hard to breathe knowing that all I'm good for is my body.

My uncles, my "friends" my ex, Killian. The list is unending.

I'm not too sure about Killian though, maybe he intended to make me feel unwanted, or maybe that's just how he is. I did agree to his no attachment shit but why does it hurt? Why does it feel so...empty when his cold hearted eyes come to mine accidentally.

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