Chapter Seventeen~ Adorable when you blush

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AN : Hi my loves, Im having writers block atm so the next chap after this may take a little longer than usual but I will not be ghosting you all <3 have a fun read, vote n comment!

AN : Hi my loves, Im having writers block atm so the next chap after this may take a little longer than usual but I will not be ghosting you all <3 have a fun read, vote n comment!

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~Aaliyah Cortez~
I should've just got up, ran away and never looked back but fuck me he's so warm. I try to pull away but his grip was futile.

"Five more minutes, baby." He mumbles, his head cuddled into me as his hands hold my waist tighter. I smile. The sun was already up, shining through the window as his curly hair was all up in my face. We're supposed to hate each other, but we're cuddled up together.

Maybe the cold hearted mafia man had a heart after all. After all, he's going to be a part of my future whether I like it or not. So I might as well somewhat warm up to him. Clearly I was, his neck was in the crook of my neck and his lips were brushing my neck.

His leg in between my thighs keeps me warm and his hand rubbing my back in small circles.

Y'know that feeling when the music is the right amount of loud, the song is the song that itches your damn brain and makes you feel a certain way, or when you choose an outfit not knowing the weather and it turns out it's the perfect weather?

Or when you're making tea and you put the perfect amount of sugar and milk without knowing? Yeah well I feel more happy than I have been in any of those moments.

His thumb rubs softly against my back, his soft breathing blows against my neck as I inhale. God this feels...peaceful. He groans, his head leaving my neck and his eyes met mine. A sheepish grin reaching his pretty lips. Fuck me just his smile has me blushing.

"So god damn adorable when you blush." He mumbles under his breath, his eyes lingering on my face and I just blush harder. "I want to hold you longer." He whines softly and my eyes widen.

His face goes back to the crook of my neck. Who is this man? Cuz this clearly isn't the man I met a month ago. He was cold and an asshole, this man cuddled even closer in my tits was a warm, soft, asshole.

We were entangled together, our bodies molded together and cuddled up against each other. Like we were those tangled cable wires that nobody can seem to untangle. "Who are you and where is the asshole Killian?" "Shot him." Killian responds quickly and I laugh, my hands playing with his soft hair.

"Damn where's the body?" I play along and I can feel his grin against my neck. "Somewhere in the ocean." I softly chuckle, my hands running through his hair. Pure bliss.

That's the feeling, or cloud nine. That's how I feel. The sun was perfectly shining through the window, the position we were in was beyond comfortable, the blankets were cuddled in with us and his hands were doing wonders to my back in some weird way.

His hands were also doing wonders to your pus- I sigh softly.

"You gonna give me the benefit of the doubt and not completely ice me out?" I ask softly, twirling a strand of his hair in my hand.

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