Chapter Thirty Seven ~ Touch me

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AN : yall gonna end me for this chap but the sexual tension is so real, I need that- LMAOOO mb for such late updates schools draining, life's draining and shits going down hill along with the fact that sad musics blasting in my room rn...have a good day or night and enjoy the read!! vote n comment love you all and thank you guys for being patient with me it means a lot. It's unedited n if it don't make sense I'm sorry js comment so I can edit it, thanks baes

 It's unedited n if it don't make sense I'm sorry js comment so I can edit it, thanks baes

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~Aaliyah Cortez~

"Could I get a tall black coffee?" The barista nods, making my drink as I wait somewhat patiently. Two things happened today, one I got my favorite car delivered to my door. A mclaren 765LT, and obviously I didn't buy it so the car was clearly bought by Killian Knight. He sent a sweet note with the car, along with flowers in the drivers seat. I don't forgive him yet, nor do I feel so intensely about him because of the heart break he caused unwillingly. He's continuously begging for my forgiveness, but his gifts that end up in the front of my door aren't material things, they always have meaning.

I almost gag when I see someone's atrocious order, but instead I stay composed as my drink gets handed to me. As I walk towards a seat, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Turning my head I saw a tall man staring with a small smile, green eyes and blond hair. "Hi, sorry this is a little awkward, I just wanted to ask for your number. Your beautifu-"

"She's taken." Killian. I resist the urge to scoff, even though we've somewhat made up those words he spoke to me stung. "Are you that desperate for love, Aaliyah?" I swallow the lump in my throat as those unwanted memories flood my mind. I tried so hard to forget, forgive and forget but it doesn't work. I keep thinking about the betrayal, about how my family may not make it out alive. "And who may you be?" The stranger stares at Killian, and the stranger is about 5'7 or so whilst Killian is 6'2. Fucking giraffe. I internally laugh at my own joke as I stare at the two who have fire in their eyes.

"Her husband." Killian states roughly, his hands bundled in fists like he's about to punch the man.

"I see no ring on her finger." I sigh in annoyance, I just wanted coffee.

"See now you've annoyed her-"

"The "her" is right here. Please leave before this escalates any further." I send a sorry smile to the stranger which he returns, walking off as I erase the smile on my face and glare up at the tall giraffe. "You didn't need to do that." I murmur, walking past him and out the coffee shop, and obviously he follows. "He wanted your number."

"Where's the problem with that?" He stopped walking and so did I. His eyes darkened and my heart race suddenly picked up. I didn't realize what he was wearing, a compression shirt with gray sweats. I've never seen him in such comfortable clothes, he always seems so put together and he never shows his tattoos. Cars passed us, people walked past us and the world was still spinning but it felt like time was frozen in that moment. "What's the problem with that?" he repeats in a scoff, and I roll my eyes.

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