Chapter Twenty one~ Il mio cuore

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~Aaliyah Cortez~

I never had a good relationship with my family, considering my mama and brother ran for their lives and left me stranded with my father. Although my father and I have a bad relationship and his way of parenting was beyond toxic, because I am still his daughter I still have this need to crave for his care even though I know damn well he won't give a shit if I live or die. And yet, I still wanted to be daddy's little girl. 

The only reason why I was thinking about this is because I still had the charm necklace my papa gave to me back when I was the age of 10 on my birthday, he told me that this was his mama's necklace and he wants me to wear it and he constantly said he loved me that night. And I believed every word like a fool. Maybe he does love me, maybe he does care or maybe he's just a sick cruel man.

I dip my feet into the warmed pool, thank god it wasn't freezing. I loved swimming, it felt calming..freeing almost. I fall into the pool before swimming back and forth on my back. I felt like swimming was an escape for me to stop thinking about my family issues, about this marriage, about everything. It was like the key to the lock of the cage of my mind, it made me feel more carefree instead of having my guard up constantly.

The one thing still bothering me is everything with Killian, I shouldn't feel anyway about him, and yet he consumes my mind like the plague, terrorizing my sleep and living rent free in my head. It's infuriating, I never wanted him to be in my life in the first place. Everything that happened with Zane gave me major trust issues, just major issues in general involving the relationship department but now my heart is getting pulled to the man that is Killian Knight. 

His words still make me feel some sort of hurt, the whole shut up bullshit but whatever. He's a man who seems just as interested in me as I am with him but there's a voice in my head telling me to be wary of him, to not open up to him and let this whole thing pass. But, I can't tell if that's a warning or just me being paranoid. I missed my mama the most out of my entire family, fuck even though my brother cared for me I have every right to miss my mom more. She was there even when she wasn't, and I have the strongest fucking feeling it wasn't her fault she had to run. Even though we had a rough relationship, she still held a place in my heart. And honestly, I'd look for her if I truly had the energy to, but what would I even say to her? "Hey ma, it's been awhile, how've you been?"

It's useless anyway, I have no idea if she'd even willingly want to see me. I don't know if she really wanted me as a daughter, I have no idea and miscommunication in my family was constant. It was like a game of broken telephone.

"Aaliyah!" I hear Ivy scream my name as I'm swimming in the deep end of the massive pool. Quickly I swim to the surface to see a perky blond with her blond hair up in a bun and her tattoos on display. She had a full arm tattoo reaching up to her neck, loads of flower tattoos bunched together. "Killian's calling for you." I roll my eyes and hop out of the pool, walking over to the outdoor chair where my towel was. I reach over to grab my towel and Ivy fucking smacks my ass.

"You gave me an opportunity and I took it." She states, shrugging off the fact that she just slapped my ass and that shit burns. I sigh, shaking off the abuse that comes with Ivy West as I dry myself off somewhat. "Where's Killian?"

"His office." Ivy replies before taking off her white sweater. She was in biker shorts and a simple oversized t-shirt. I just got an evil idea. Within seconds I lightly pushed her into the pool and she screams. Her arms flap in the pool like a bird and when she reaches the surface, her glare is powerful. "Paybacks a bitch." I shrug and chuckle.

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