Chapter Twenty Seven~ Weak

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AN: I'm tired and soooo drained so writing is hard for me rn but I PROMISE I WILL TRY TO STAY MOTIVATED FOR THIS BOOK AND YOU ALL!!! you guys are my motivators to go to school and come back to write- anyway goodnight and vote n comment, love you babies so much SOOO MUCH YOU PERFECT HOES!

~Aaliyah Cortez~

I want chocolate. My thoughts were random as I got ready for the mafia ball that I never wanted to go to in the first place, but as a good courtesy we all have to go because Ivy's father was hosting a ball. I place the makeup brushes down as my hips move to the Jamaican music blasting on the speakers in my large room.

I was wearing a one sleeve dress with a slit, the dress black and elegant gloves wrapped around my hands and wrists.

My hair curled and my makeup done nicely, my body clinging to the dress. I fluff up my hair as the fluffy dog walks into my room with a small grin. His tongue out as he pants, walking towards me. The amount of dog hair on the floor was fucking uncanny, he sheds a shit ton.

I bend down in my dress to his level, cuddling with the dog knowing the amount of hair that's going to be on my new dress is going to send Ivy into cardiac arrest. The dress was pure beauty, and hell the heels I had on made me look so tall. Not taller than Killian unfortunately.

I stand tall as I leave my bedroom, the fluffy dog following behind me as I walk downstairs. Making my way to the kitchen I saw Killian sitting at the island counter with a nonchalant face on. Should I say hi? I have no idea, so I just chose the safe option and glued my mouth shut. His cold face made my baby hairs fly up, my eyes scanning the kitchen for skittles. I've been craving skittles for awhile now, and it's my comfort snack.

"If you're looking for the skittles, it's in that cabinet." He speaks unexpectedly and my eyes flash to his. He was in a plain black suit but something felt different about him. He was colder, the tension in the room could be cut with a knife.

I walk towards the cabinet and open it to see a glass bowl filled with only red skittles. I frown and look at him. "Why is it just red skittles?" He got up from his seat, walking towards me and on instinct I took a step back. My heart race picked up as my back hit the cold counter.

"Because-" He pauses, his hand going around my waist. Why must he play me like a toy, why must he change from cold to hot within seconds? Why does it bother me so much but not enough to speak about it. "You only eat red skittles, princess."

"How did you know?" I whisper faintly, and our lips brush. The way his eyes look at mine make me want to lean in just a few inches more. "Because I notice every little thing about you, Aaliyah." I inhale sharply before backing away from him, taking the skittles with me. I decided, it would be best if I just ignored the entire interaction that just happened instead of confronting what the fuck that was. "Aaliyah."

He called out and my feet froze, turning my head softly to him he stared at me with such loving eyes it almost made me believe them.

He could break me exactly like Zane did, torture me with lies like Zane did, destroy me beyond repair like Zane did. "Don't look at me like that please, Killian-" I pause, putting down the skittles hurriedly. My heart race picked up as his eyes softened at the sight of me. "-it makes me think you care, it makes me want to accept that care and let you in. So please, if you do want me as deeply as I want you, you tell me. Don't toy with my feelings like Zane did. Don't ruin me."

~Killian Knight~

I already had. I already had toyed with them. The plan to kill her father, her brother and my father was set in stone. And she has yet to find out her father and brother will cease to exist. I want to tell her, I really do but I cannot tell her the reason why her father must go.

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