Chapter six~Cigarette

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AN : Short chapter, unedited. vote and comment!! <3 love y'all sm

                                                                                ~Killian Knight~

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                                                                                ~Killian Knight~

My grip tightened around the steering wheel, anger clouding my better judgment. I met with Carlos two nights ago, he showed me a video of my cousin crying, begging for freedom as they chained her to the walls of the cell. I wanted to kill him right then and there, but if I tried anything they would've killed Bella. The whole reason they took Bella in the first place is because Carlos hates the fact that I'm planning his downfall. He thinks I'll back down just because he took her, I can have both. I will bring the downfall of Carlos Cortez with no distractions, he will fall. I sped down the highway till I ended up in a secured hotel of mine. This was a front, the hotel was just a facade. The business that happens underground was all drugs. All I did was smoke, but my brother was a drug addict and found many ways to sell drugs all around. The drug cartels we had were powerful, connections all over. Right now I was here to get a nice, classy cigarette that could make me feel something other than numbness.

I had no choice but to act as if I would back down from Carlos. In two hours I'd have to give 3 million dollars in exchange for Bella's life. 3 million is nothing to me, but to Carlos? That's magic in a bottle. He truly thinks I'll stop hunting him down, he thinks I won't ruin him. I will make him and my father beg for mercy. I sighed, adjusting my cufflinks as I exited my car. Walking with stride as I entered my hotel. 

The lounge was where everything happened, and the lounge was where Sebestian was lying. He had a glass of scotch in his hand and a dull look on his face. "You look dead." I commented, and his eyes darted to mine with a glare. He grabbed a cigarette from the large table then threw it right at me. Stupid man has no aim. Thankfully I caught it. I then sat beside the tired old man before grabbing my lighter and lighting the cig.

"Carlos is at The Siren, he wants to do the exchange there." His nightclub, of course he wants to do it there. He has more power, it's his land and the amount of guards scattered around that club would be difficult to take down. 

I let out a puff of smoke. "I'm worried about her, Killian." Sebastian admits softly, taking another swing of his scotch. "We all are." I gruffly reply, taking another puff of the cig. "You ever going to admit your feelings towards her?" He let out an aggressive cough and his eyes were widened in shock. "W-wha- huh?"

"Come on. I'm not stupid Seb, I know you have feelings towards her, you were the one spiraling when you found out she was missing, when she had trouble sleeping, you'd be there resting in her room on the floor until she fell asleep. You are in love and you're an idiot if you don't realize it soon enough." 

My words made him stare at me like I was the idiot. "I do not love her." He murmurs unconvincingly. "If we're on the topic of caring, you care for Aaliyah, why is that?" I'm going to kill him.

"I do not." He scoffs in disbelief, "Suree bud." I rolled my eyes, getting off the leather couch and staring at the time. "It's time." He chugged the last bit of his scotch and we both walked out of the hotel. We ended up in my car, and this asshole took the drivers seat so I was sitting in the passenger seat. 

When I wasn't driving, I felt like I wasn't doing anything, and when I'm not doing anything, my thoughts run loose. Is Bella okay? How is Lara doing? The past memories want to come running through my mind and sometimes I truly can't push them away. Suddenly the car came to a holt. "Stupid man, why is he breaking in the middle!" Seb yelled angrily, causing me to chuckle slightly. Anger issues ran in his blood. "It isn't funny, this idiot would have gotten us killed." Seb exclaimed in anger. "We could die from many things, why does it matter?"

"Because if I don't die from a cool, epic, heroic death, I'm not dying at all." I sighed at his response. Idiota. We continued to drive through the highway as Seb blasted Gunna. I don't know why he has some weird obsession with this rapper, but every single damn time I'm in the car with the fool he ends up playing songs from him. 

"I'm going to kill Carlos." Seb whispered as he swerved into the parking lot of The Siren. "No. We can't risk Bella's safety right now, especially knowing that they're willing to do anything to her. They have no remorse for anybody." I spoke roughly, thinking about what Bella may be going through. "Let's just go." Seb reached for the backseat and grabbed the briefcase filled with the money.

Both of us rushed into the club, our guns in our waistbands. We have no idea what they have in store for us, and we always come prepared. The rainbow lights shined, blurring my vision as we entered. The loud music blaring through the speakers, people dancing drunkenly and clumsily. It was known all too well to me. 

The second I was 13, just a few months after my father shot my mama and ended my sister's life, he took me to Carlos's club. I remember being forced into drinking my first scotch, being forced onto a couch as I watched the drunk people dance, the music deafening my ears. The constant whispers from Carlos and my father. I held my chin up high, weakness is unacceptable. I chanted that in my head numerous times a day.

I made my way to the bar, ordering a shot of whisky and Seb ordering the same. I knew Carlos would call up one of his men to summon Seb and I, so we have to wait. Wait like fucking dogs for him to call us. I gripped the shot glass tightly in my hand. "Chill." Seb whispered, and somehow I heard him through the blaring music. A man tapped my shoulder, turning my head I saw a small skull tattoo on his neck. Carlos's men.

 "You are Killian Knight, and Sebestian Moranna?" We stood to our full height, nodding. The guard was barley 6 foot and it was honestly quite pathetic to see this pruny, short man try to intimidate me. "Follow me." He cleared his throat as we both followed him throughout the crowd towards a private area upstairs. I gripped the briefcase in one hand, trying to calm down my thoughts and breathing. What did they do to her?

AN : Thanks for reading, comment n vote for the next chapter, hope you guys enjoyed

Word count : 1222

Word count : 1222

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