Chapter Twelve ~ Cold

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AN: holaaaa, enjoy enjoy, have fun with our baby ali's pov😜 VOTE N COMMENT LOVE U GUYS

AN: holaaaa, enjoy enjoy, have fun with our baby ali's pov😜 VOTE N COMMENT LOVE U GUYS

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~Aaliyah Cortez~

It's been two days since the wedding, and I've been discharged today and now I'm sitting in bed as Ivy goes on a rant of how she's going to give Dominic the stink eye. Apparently, Bella and Dominic have a shitty relationship and so he left to give Bella space.

But, he's back because of the new alliance formed and now he wants to be here, for good. Ivy hates the idea of living within the same city as him. And she now wants to move all the way to spain. Her phone suddenly rings, and her papa summons her back to her place.

Seeing her have a good relationship with her dad makes me...somewhat envy her. I don't hate her, but I hate the fact that I cant have that same relationship with my father. It's daddy issues on another level.

So I was sitting in my bed, drowning in my thoughts and pain. The wound of the bullet wasn't the source of my pain, my anxiety was. The strange feeling in your stomach when you know something bad is going to happen. Zane is ready to do anything to have me in his grasp. To think I loved him and was willing to do anything for him.

The thought makes me sick to my stomach, I know now that Zane is with the Russians, he has more power, a bigger chance of getting what he wants.

Which is me. And I'm not letting him anywhere near me. I want freedom, I want to feel as if I'm on cloud 9. But in this cruel world, that's impossible. Grasping my thoughts and throwing them out the window, I slowly got up from the bed.

Wincing at the impact from the wound. Whoever shot me, was wearing a mask, untraceable. The man wearing the mask, he didn't look like the rest of assassins or snipers, the others weren't wearing masks. So why was he? I remember the color of his eyes, a forest green. They looked so familiar to me, it felt as if I knew those eyes.

I found comfort in these thoughts, overthinking is something I'm so utterly used to that I just do it at all times. There's never a day where I am not overthinking. I think about every little detail, everything about certain people.

How Lara has this tint on her cheeks when I saw someone compliment her dress one day, how Bells has a beautiful bright smile when Sebastian's name is mentioned, how Ivy has tiny freckles on her pretty face and in her eyes, how Killian has two dimples at the sides of his lips when he smiles. His smile is so pretty. Groaning, my head falls back. Why am I so headstrong on this one man, why do I notice details about him, out of all people? Him?

He and I, we are nothing but a convenience. That's what I've been telling myself, but I can't help but find him attractive as hell.

My stomach grumbles loudly and my eyes roll. I don't even know what food we have downstairs, hope to god I don't have to cook. I'm terrible at cooking, hence why Lara does all the cooking. Her mock chicken is utterly divine. I slowly get off the bed and walk down the stairs, one hand holding the railing and the other pressing pressure on the wound. Still hurts like a bitch.

As I made my way to the kitchen, I saw the one and only Killian backstabbing knight. What type of husband doesn't come to see their wife if they are on the verge of death in a hospital? It's common sense. He has no decorum whatsoever. He was standing at the stove, flipping pancakes mindlessly. He then picks up a call, holding the phone to his ear as he talks.

"Hey Seb." I don't dare move, I can't. He scoffs at whatever Sebastian says. "I haven't fallen for her, Seb. She's merely a convenience. Nothing more, nothing less."

My heart sank for some weird reason when hearing his hurting words. What an ass. He doesn't want anything to do with me, why do I always find the assholes attractive?

He hung up the call and continued to flip the pancakes. I hated him. I wanted to yell at him and say that he's the biggest ass in the world, but instead

I pursed my lips and made my way towards the fridge. I want some orange juice with some ice and mint leaves. Great combo. I could feel his gaze on me as he flipped the pancakes. "How are you?" He asked. How are you? HOW ARE YOU? I was almost killed and he asks me TWO days later, how are you?

I swallow the lump in my throat before replying bitterly. "Fine." I restrained myself from rolling my eyes and grabbing orange juice from the fridge, he was so unaware that his carelessness actually affected me.

I didn't want it to affect me, but him not being there irritated me immensely. I placed the orange juice down, poured it into a nearby glass and grabbed some mint leaves to place on top of the drink. Lara and Bells were out on a mother daughter date, Dominic was with Sebastian I'm assuming and it was just me and the idiot in the house.

"Aaliyah..." My eyebrow raises at him. "I want to apologize for not being there at the hospital but-"

"Let me stop you right there, Mr heartless-" I pause, ready to rant. "You weren't there, I was dying. Fake marriage or not, you vowed to be there in sickness and health. I never asked for you to comfort or love me because I know damn well you aren't capable of love, but all I ask is for you to show up if I'm on my damn death bed, you know I'd do the same for you. Clearly you aren't capable of common decency." His eyes sharpen at my words. Tension in his shoulders and his hands bundled into fists.

"You don't know shit about me Aaliyah, don't make assumptions." I scoff. "Assumptions? Please Killian, you and I both know you have this cold hardened exterior for a reason, because that's exactly how your interior is. You're cruel. Heartless. My point is, you were not fucking there."

"And I'm trying to apologize but you won't let me!" I smile bitterly at his loud tone. His anger clearly showed, but hurt swarms in those gray eyes.

"Because Killian, I don't care for your apologies, I'm merely a convenience to you so why should you care enough to apologize?" His expression showed no remorse, neither did I care for his remorse or fucking pity.

I'm through with caring. "Fuck yourself Killian Knight." I was about to walk off before he spoke again. "Don't forget-" He chuckles darkly between his words. "-You are Aaliyah Knight, whether you like it or not princess."

I grit my teeth and walk off with bundled fists and groan, why am I married to him out of all people? The world hated me. He hated me. My own father hates me enough to sign me off to the devil. How great is life huh?

AN : asshole am I right? HEHE...... 👋



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