Chapter nine ~ Manipulation at it's finest

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AN : Just realised how bi polar this man is, anyway HAVE A FUN READ AND HOPE YALL FOLD TO KILLIAN LIKE I DIDD. VOTE N COMMENT <3 unedited

                              ~Aaliyah Cortez~

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                              ~Aaliyah Cortez~

I'm driving at full speed in Lara's car, the music blasting on full volume as the windows were rolled down. Lara sat beside me whilst Ivy and Bella sat in the back. We were all going clubbing, Bella was adamant on going clubbing in dresses and heels. She wanted to go out to distract herself from what happened with the kidnapping and everything, and she didn't want to talk about anything that happened to her. Which is completely reasonable.  Truth be told, we looked like hookers. Ivy wanted to just jump out the window when we told her we were going clubbing.

She was only going for the free drinks. We're going to the Sin, Killian's club. I haven't spoken to him since last night, the whole cold exterior he had dropped that night made me feel like I have to do the same and I don't want to give him false hope that I can do the same. After Zane, my trust issues have raised through the roof and making false promises to Killian was the last thing I wanted to do.

"If you keep driving the speed limit Aaliyah, I will take hold of the wheel and swerve us into a tree." Bella mumbled under her breath. I scowled and floored it through the highways, which were almost empty. Tomorrow was the day of the wedding and we were going fucking clubbing. Apparently this is supposedly supposed to be a bachelorette party.

Lara's phone rings in the back, and then she sighs loudly. "Killian, Sebastian and Dominic are meeting us at the club."

"Who's Dominic?" I ask as I swerve into the next lane. "My annoying brother." Bella grits out. Well damn, clearly they have some issues. We were 5 minutes away from The Sin and I then realized Killian was going to be there.

I haven't even seen him, let alone speak to him since last night and I doubt I'm ready to see him. "They just texted again, apparently they aren't here to annoy us. They're here for a business meeting." Bella mutters the words thank god once she hears Lara's words. "Who has a business meeting at a club?"

"A mafia boss." Ivy responds to my question with chattering  teeth. "You okay?" I ask as I stare at her through the rear view mirror. She smiles unconvincingly, a shallow look in her crystal blue eyes

. She'll talk to me once she's ready, but I don't want her to go through this stuff alone. Whatever's going on in her head may be eating her alive. "Park there." Bella motions to the empty parking spot at the front of the club.

The club was massive, pristinely built. The large bold letters saying The Sin were flashing, the outside of the club was built for all to see. But knowing the mafia world, the things inside this club is something most do not want to see.

I knew I wasn't going to drink, nor was I going to dance so I planned to sit at one of the VIP tables and rest there until everyone's done with their night. It's more of a bachelorette party for them honestly, but I don't mind.

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