Chapter eight ~ Smart mouth

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AN: Hey lovelies, working on more chapters at the moment! Vote and comment for the next chapter <3 this is unedited so there may be mistakes

~Killian Knight~

She looked so damn pretty even when she was feisty, I loved it.

Her anger when she heard my remarks, the way her hands balled into fists, her heated gaze staring into my gray eyes. It all fucking made my heart race. I only irritated her this much, because there's no other way she'd willingly speak to me. Only way I'll hear her soft, gentle fucking voice is if I irritate her to the point where her smart mouth comes out.

"Load 'em up!" My brother yells to the workers to load up the kilos of cocaine. I wanted that girl out of my head, hell every time I see her beautiful hair fall to her shoulders or when her eyes glisten in the sun, I want to fall to my knees. I barely know the girl, and yet here I am, going to marry her. At first I thought I wouldn't even give her a second glance, but now here I am. Chasing her like a dog on a leash. Don't act like you don't want her bossin you around a lil.

God the annoying voice in my head needs an off button. When she saw me shirtless, her eyes didn't dare leave my body. I could feel her pretty eyes on me, and I fucking loved it.

"I didn't think you'd go through with the marriage." My brother speaks abruptly, and suddenly my thoughts about Aaliyah completely disperse. "Why's that, Ares?" I spoke with a cold tone, no emotion resting within my words. "You refuse to be in contact with a girl, y'know after..." My body stills and a shiver runs down my spine. Of course he'd bring her up. "Shut the hell up." I murmured, trying to keep my tone unbothered.

"She was still attractive as hell, even after what she did to you-" I punched him in his stomach. He grasped his stomach, clutching it in pain as he fell to the floor. "Speak one more word of her and so help me god I will kill you with your own gun." He reached for his gun in his waistband and his eyes widened when it was not in fact there. A smirk rested on my lips as I waved it around whilst he was on the ground. Helpless son of a bitch can't defend himself with his hands, and we all know it.

I wonder what Aaliyah and her smart mouth was doing as I was beating my brother to a damn pulp. My wedding was in two days, two god damn days and I was going to be married to her. I hate her because of her blood, but I will admit I am enticed by her, drawn to her without my consent.

It is all an unwilling act and all I want is to not feel this way towards her yet I want to chase her, I want to see her smile, the way her cheeks have a tint of pink when she moves her hair from her face, fuck. I walked out of the warehouse in a rush, striding towards my office where a bottle of hennessy rested unopened. The only way I'll get her off my damn mind is if I drink myself to oblivion.


Five hours later

I wanted to drown myself in the ocean. I never drank like this, to the point where I could barely see what was in front of me. But now, I am in that state where I can't even think. I grabbed the empty bottle and threw it in the garbage. "Boss, your fiancee is calling." My eyebrow raises, what fiancee. You have a future wife smartass.

Ohhh. "Give-give me the phone." I muttered, slurring my every word as the concerned guard handed me the phone. "Hello wife."

"What are you wearing to the wedding?" I grinned, I'm marrying her.

"A normal suit, black and white." She hums, my lips curve into a wider smile. "Are you drunk?" She asks accusingly, but a hint of concern is dropped in her voice. "Nah sweetheart, I'm sober." I gruffly replied and her breath hitched before she exhaled almost angrily. "Get your ass sober before you come home yeah?"

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