Chapter Twenty Three~ Trouble

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AN: starting this off, there's a 99% chance the next update will be next week, anyway not super sick as much as I was yesterday so that's good, I can finally get out of bed and walk properly sooo I'm happy but hope y'all enjoy this chapter....😍

~Aaliyah Cortez~

It's been hours. Hours since I've heard from Killian, I've tried calling, texting, making Lara text him, Bella and Dominic but nothings working. I feel like I shouldn't worry because Sebastian is with him so I should let it be but he normally answers, within seconds or he won't even reply to my text instead he'll just call me. He likes to say it's because he likes to hear my voice but maybe he's just too lazy to type.

Grabbing the popcorn and blankets I walk over to the living room to see Aria cuddled up in her matching pink pajamas set. We were going to watch rapunzel and eat cheesy popcorn. She adores rapunzel apparently, and honestly she has the hair for rapunzel.

Her hair is pretty, long and healthy. I fry my hair with a curler and straightener. I cuddle up beside her with the gray fluffy blanket as she holds the bowl of popcorn in her hands. I start up the movie and the whole disney castle intro starts up. I tried my hardest to focus on the movie, to not focus on my missing husband.

It was 11:30 and I've been texting him since we got back from my parents. I knew being married to a mafia boss would mean him coming late but I didn't think I'd actually be worried. What if he got shot? What if he was stabbed? If you keep thinking this shit, it'll happen.

That little voice in my head was right for once so I sat there, eating popcorn as Rapanzel almost swung a pan at Flynn's head. The car ride we had before we came home made me feel so free, I've always loved fast cars. They made everything better, the adrenaline you feel when you floor it on the highway, the tight grip on the wheel as you lean forward. It just feels magnificent.

Suddenly, I heard the front door open and Aria cuddles up closer to me with a scared look on her face. She must still be scared about everything that happened in Italy. I quickly kissed her forehead and told her I'd be back. I walk out of the kitchen down the hall towards the front door to see a fucking bruised up Killian and an annoyed Sebastian. Killian had cold eyes, anger in those gray eyes I adore. "What. The. Fuck." Killian stares at me with a glare before walking past me towards the stairs.

"What happened Seb?" I ask and he sighs stressfully. Killian had a bruised cheek, blood smeared on his face and neck. "Business happened." I scoff, about to go up the stairs before Seb grabbed my hand swiftly.

"Don't go up, Aaliyah. He won't like it. He's not calm right now and being in his space wouldn't end well for either of us." I rolled my eyes, just wanted to make sure he was still alive. I snatch my hand out of his grasp, thinking about what the hell I should do. My heart was telling me to go upstairs, but he told me to stay away. And I need to stay away before this all gets out of hand. These feelings are just feelings that'll fade away soon. I just need to stay away, distance myself, right?

I walk back into the living room, and to my surprise Aria was cuddled up in the blankets, sleeping. She managed to roll herself up like a burrito in the blanket. I go grab the remote before turning the TV off and carefully wrapping my hands around Aria's waist to lift her up. I didn't want her to wake up alone downstairs, and she's safer upstairs anyway. She cuddles into my chest as I walk up the stairs slowly making my way to her room. Most of the aunties are staying at another house Killian owns, rich bitch. His father is in Spain, and his abuela is staying here.

I open Aria's room door and place her gently on her canopy bed. Her room was my dream room as a kid, we got it customized the second we were back. I move the blankets on top of her and her soft snores echo the room. A smile reaches my lips as I turn off the bedroom lights, closing the door softly so she wouldn't wake up. The lights were turned off in the halls upstairs, considering it was pretty late everybody was sleeping. Ivy was knocked out in her room, there were so many extra rooms in this house so she claimed one and so now it's hers. Dominic, Bells, Lara did the same as well. I walk towards my room but I stop when I hear yelling in Killian's office.

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