Chapter forty~ New beginning

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AN : I know I say this every time I update late, but I can't prioritise wattpad when I have school, so I'll try to update as frequent as I can, but for winter break I can promise that I'll update a lot more frequently, but I'm busy with assighments and tests rn so pls mercy!!! LOVE YOU GUYSS SM it's kinda. dry chap ish, but it's still very cute. HAVE FUN AND PLS VOTE N COMMENT, waiting for Gianna's comments so I can read em <3 LOVE YALL SMMM

 HAVE FUN AND PLS VOTE N COMMENT, waiting for Gianna's comments so I can read em <3 LOVE YALL SMMM

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~Aaliyah Cortez~

"Worst thing you've ever done at a club?" Bells asks, Aria resting beside her with her little self leaning on Bells's shoulder. Ivy stares up at the stars that glimmer, the burning fire spews sparks. We were all sitting outside of the house, finally deciding to all hangout together after months of dealing with constant chaos.

Getting shot on my wedding day, getting kidnapped, Bella getting kidnapped, Killian getting blackmailed, there's probably more but my brain cannot comprehend anything right now. Aria's eyes glimmer as she stares at me with one of her cute smiles, my heart warms instantly.

I love this, this entire atmosphere. Fire flies in the air, the sounds of the crinkling fire, the roasting of marshmallows...everything in this moment felt like home and I have never felt that.

I've never felt like I could be comfortable with myself, but everyone here has made me feel loved in one way or another. "Answer the question, I'm intrigued." Dom insists, staring with an irritating sinister smirk and Ivy's lips smirk the same way. They are a match made in heaven.

"Fine, I got drunk on christmas day with that one right over there-" I glare right at Ivy who stares with a non-guilty look. "-and she convinced me to get up on a stripper stage and dance but the thing is, I was in a fucking santa claus dress like the one's regina george wore in mean girls and so I danced on the pole and then fell backwards, giving myself a concussion and then I got back up and poured booze on everyone." Dom spits his drink out and Killian coughs violently.

"And then I bent over and my skirt went up and I flashed an 80 year old outside." And that's what sets Dom off, he laughs insanely loud which makes Aria laugh too. Aria's a mature girl for her age, and I know she knows everything I just said. I love her like she's my little sister, and frankly I plan to be there for every single milestone of her life. That's a promise I will never break.

A smile reaches my lips as I hear Killian stifle a laugh. He's still trying to keep up the grumpy, bitchy personality in front of everyone but we all know it's a front, quite literally we saw him on the floor, rolling with Oreo, giggling and laughing while Oreo licked his face. Considering the fact that we're back in New York, life is just easier. I lay beside Killian, my head on his shoulder as my soft breathing echos. The fire keeps going, and his hand wraps around me, warm and soft.

I love this man so much it's uncanny. I would do anything for him. Absolutely anything. "Stop showing pda, it's vile." Ivy mutters, as she shots a whisky. Dominic sips on his plain red wine. "You're so girly, look at your future girl drinking whisky while you're being pussy drinking just wine. Hell you're sipping on it."

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