Chapter Thirty Eight~ So good

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AN : Yall im busy asf, I wanna write but no energy or motivation but I hope this is good and hope yall enjoy, I enjoyed it tbh- HAVE TO WRITE ESSAYS NOW!! love u all gotta plan my outfit for a wedding tmrw too- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOTE N COMMENT please. thank u guys!!! unedited may confuse.

 thank u guys!!! unedited may confuse

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~Aaliyah Cortez~

I moan softly when I feel his lips kiss up my thighs. His small teases have my head dropped back and my lips parted. I could feel intense heat all around my body, and I loved it. His hands slide up and down my thighs softly as I feel his hot breath against my needy core. I need his mouth on me, I need him. Fuck. I try to move closer, throwing my thighs over his shoulders. I could feel his smirk, his hand pulling my underwear down as I groaned. "Killian Knight just fuck me al-" I cry out when his finger thrusts into me abruptly. Moans leave my mouth, his hand teasing my wet core. I shudder, gripping the sides of the vanity tightly when his tongue licks and teases my clit. Moans and soft cries slip.

"Thin walls, quiet princess." It's embarrassing how fast I nod, my eyes close when I feel his finger knuckles deep inside me. Everything feels so intense, so real. "So pretty." He whispers, sucking on my clit. He laps my clit over and over again with his tongue, continuing without a single thought. I muffle a whimper with one of my hands, my thighs crushing his head. His finger slams into me once more before leaving my needy pussy. I want more. Need more. He only holds me tighter when I try to move closer towards him, his tongue massaging my walls. I cry out as his hands grip my thighs tighter. "God fuck-"

"God's not finger fucking you right now Aaliyah, I am. Now cry out my name instead." His tongue thrusts deep into me as his finger unexpectedly pinches my sensitive clit. "Killian!" I cry. Him on his knees for me makes my heart race pick up. He's so god damn attractive, he's the type of man I would do anything for and yet I still fucking hate him.

He pulls me in closer to fucking go down on me harder. I need harder. A deep wave of ecstasy brushes though me as his tongue reaches spots Ididn't even realize I had. His tongue leaves and his fingers replace it. Two fingers slamming into me at devils pace. An orgasm builds quickly, my body shaking as I moan his name, over and over again.

"I need it, please."

"Beg for it." I scoff, shaking my head.

I groan when his fucking tongue leaves me and he gets off his knees. A small smirk plays on his lips as my head drops back. "Don't leave a job unfinished Knight." I mumble in annoyance, hopping off the vanity and walking off towards my bathroom. "Never said I was done."

He whispers into my ear softly, holding onto my waist as we stare at one another through the bathroom mirror. My dress was still on, my hair was still neat but my face showed everything. The heat I felt when his tongue was deep inside me, the glow of when he called me pretty. I leaned into his touch, my head dropping back as his lips kiss my sweet spot.

"So your just not gonna let me cum, are you?" I ask, a small moan in my words when he sucks on my sweet spot. "Patience." Before I knew it, he turned the shower on, hot water spraying from the top. "What are you-"

"Take off your dress." He demands and I was about to decline and yell at him for demanding me of anything but then I saw how he was looking at me. How lustful his eyes were. I swallow a lump in my throat before slowing taking off my dress. My bra falls, and I was bare to him. He looked at me like he wanted to jump my bones.

He turned around, opening the glass shower door before taking off his shirt and everything else. His back muscles made me want to cum right than and there. They flexed so intensely it made ME want to jump his bones. "Come and let me finish the job, Aaliyah."

"One second." I click a button on a remote, and the bathroom turns red. It was a black modernized bathroom, felt like it needs some color. A smirk reaches his plump lips as I walk into the huge black shower. His hair soaked in the hot water, and the shower glass fogged up. He grabs me roughly, picking me up by the waist as my legs wrap around his waist.

His lips slamming onto mine as he slams me against the black tiled wall. "Fuck Killian-" He moans into my lips, his tongue seeping into my mouth. "God you taste so good-"

"So mine." I whimper when his lips leave mine and they wrap around my nipple. "Not yours." I retort, crying out when he sinks his teeth into my nipple. My other breast aches the same treatment he's giving my other one as the hot water pours. "Are you on birth control?" I nod, moaning when his hands massage my breasts. "Good."

"Shit Killian!" I scream when the tip of his dick comes inside of me. I scream and cry out when he fully slams into me, his dick tearing me apart as he kisses me softly. It's so much. Too much. "You can take it princess-"

"-Questo è tutto, bellissima." (That's it, gorgeous.) His Italian makes me feel more wet, his dick slowly slamming in and out of me at a tortuous pace. The edging from before made this worse, too much worse. I felt an orgasm building, too fast. His dick starts slamming into me faster, as his hands tangle into my wet hair.

Moans erupt from me as his lips suck on my neck. "You feel so good Killian." He smiles against my neck and I feel myself smiling. Fuck.

"Please." Begs leave my mouth, pleas but he slows down. He slows his pace, smirking at me knowing I cant fucking cum. His hand tips my chin upwards to stare into his eyes.

"Who's are you, Aaliyah?" My breath gets knocked out of my lungs. Everything pauses around us, and I feel frozen in time. "Answer me." His hand dips to my clit and pinches my swollen clit. I moan as his hand tightens around my neck. "Yours!"

"Cum for me, amore mio." I scream his name as I cum, hard. My body shakes vigorously, as he slams mercilessly into me without stopping. His hands tangle into my hair as he kisses me, his dick reaching my g spot as I cum over and over again. Slowly he lets my orgasm come to an end. Softly he lets me down to stand on my feet- the thing is I can't. I grab onto his hand quickly before I fall, my legs shaking as he smirks. "Fuck you."

"Round two?"

"You couldn't handle it." I bite back and he smiles, holding my chin up as he kisses me softly. He turns off the water and I grab two clean towels, handing one to him as I dry myself off.

"Let me take you out on a date."

"No." I state, grabbing my dress and placing it back on.



"Fuck Aaliyah please." My heart race suddenly picks up at his begging, and his hand around my waist. "Please-" He kisses my neck."Please baby." He kisses the spot underneath my ear.

"Princesa por favor." He grabs my head and tilts it towards him, kissing me softly. His Spanish got to me and I resist the urge to smile. "Fine, coffee only."

"You won't regret it."

"Quit being cute, it's making me want to not hate you." I mumble, drying his hair with the towel.

"Hate me as much as you want, I'll still beg for forgiveness, and if you want me to leave you alone? Fine but I promise you this, I won't get over you."

"Not even in a million years?" I ask in a soft whisper.

"Not even in a million years."

AN : ITS SHORT I know, I just didn't have energy im sorry for the halfassed chapters but im tryingggg I'll try to make the next chap 2k n over. have a good day or night love you all smmm thank u all for the support.

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