Chapter Twenty Eight ~ Please help me

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AN : hiiii babies, new chapter, next chapter maybe tomorrow if I am freee!!! OKAY ENJOY DONT KILL ME FOR THIS CHAP GOODNIGHT LOVELIES VOTE AND COMMENT...

I doubted myself, thinking that nothing would happen to me when I drank the wine, but here I sat in a dark cell with rusted walls and my hands chained to the walls. My tears stained my cheeks and my body felt numb, My eyes barely opened and my heart felt so slow.

I stared at the metal door for hours, or at least that's what it felt like. I feel numb, like my emotions suddenly faded from my body and I could feel nothing. It felt as if all the progress I've made in the past, trying to change myself into a better person died. It feels like I'm dying. My head thumps and I sit still. That's all I could do. My body couldn't move, all I could do was think. And I wish my mind was also numb. I wish I could kill my mind and let these negative thoughts fade. My eyes move to the floor and I see a small knife. And my heart falls out of my chest.

The same knife I used to scar myself. The same knife that started this all. Destroying my body and health because that's all I could do. That's all my brain wanted to do, to numb the emotional pain with physical pain. And my brother was one of the people who knew about this, found the knife and took it away. Fuck. I stared at the knife and my arms tingle, my mind telling me to find a way out of the chains to harm myself. Self harm ruined me. Alcohol ruined me. But this knife, this knife fucking destroyed me in ways I couldn't explain if someone asked me to. My brother, he was the only one who had this knife, he took it from me. He's the one who did this.

I keep screaming to myself to not listen to that voice, to the harmful voice in my head but instead my hands tangled with the chains. I had sharp nails and the lock that had me chained to the wall seemed so familiar to me.

My nail digs into the lock of the chain and I keep trying even though my whole body feels weak. Mentally and physically I felt weak. My nail digs into the lock once more and before I could unlock it the metal door snaps open. And there shows my brother. A smirk on his face as he stares at me. My heart sinks when I see no sympathy in his eyes, he is the one behind this. The one taunting me with the knife. "Aaliyah, so nice to see you again."

He stares mercilessly, the way my heart pumps even faster, it makes me feel disgustingly nauseous. "Why are you doing this?" I ask, trying to hide the tremble in my tone.

"You really don't know?" He asks, chuckling darkly.

"Do I look like I know?" I snap as the chains dig into my wrists,  I hiss from the pain. He tsks, smiling psychotically. "Your dear fucking husband wants me dead for trying to kill you at your wedding so I'm going to kill two birds with one stone."

"Good fucking luck with that." He won't come, he doesn't care about me, I know he doesn't. He's probably at home daydreaming about murdering people.

"Tell me where your husband is, I want both of you to see each other bleed out." I scoff, he seems more delusional than me.

"Never." I snap, and then guards come into the room behind him.

"Sister, you are in for a numerous amount of beatings. And I will fucking torture you until you tell me where he is."


I hiss, the open wounds around my body made everything feel more intent and painful. He wasn't lying about the torturous beatings, he had ran a knife across my chest, had multiple of his men come at me and try to rip me apart but I still stayed strong. I'm not being defeated, not again. Weakness is for fools, strength is for the powerful. Although my father and I never spoke, that quote stuck with me like glue. Ironic because he used to call me weak, a weak girl not meant for the mafia world. I am.

I groan when I feel the wounds getting more painful and dreadful within seconds. My brother opens the metal door again and this time with two guards who have vicious smiles on their faces. Vincent motions for them to take off my chains and they do, I was so weak I couldn't stand and so they held each of my arms and guided me out of the room roughly. Vincent stands in front of me, and his finger goes to an open wound and I restrain a wince. "Beg for mercy and tell me where he is."

"Never." I snap and he holds me against a tub filled with freezing water. "You won't submit and tell me where he is?" I laughed at his words and even though the pain was excruciating, the adrenaline pumping through me kept me going, kept my strength on such high levels I couldn't care less about anything.

"Do whatever you want-" I couldn't finish my sentence once he dunked my head. The ice cold waters pricking my face like a thousand needles made my body freeze, I had no time to hold my breath so I was drowning, held down in ice cold waters and was being suffocated by my brother. Is this time to tap out? Never.

He holds me down deeper and I stay still, not daring to move a muscle and instead I try to calm my body although I knew I couldn't do much in this situation but I would rather choose death than surrender. He brought my head back up and I took the biggest breath of air known to man. "-if you think he won't kill you on spot, your fucking mental." I was taking a gamble here, I didn't know if Killian was searching for me or just sipping a scotch at home with Oreo in his lap with no worries.

I knew he had to be coming for me, right?

I felt the water entering my system through my nose and the plummeting temperatures so immensely I hated the feeling, the way I could feel the power of the coldness so strongly, I slowly felt my body going numb and slowly losing conscious. Was I really going to die like this? Die without finding love? Die without having livin the life I was given? Suddenly before my eyes finally closed and I accepted defeat my so-called brother pulled me back up. 

Vincent pushes me into a wall and my mind is too fuzzy to realize what's happening. I turn my head to see a guard staring at me with a perverted looks. Fuck fuck fuck. I scream, trying to run out of the room but Vincent walks off and let's the guard come near me. "NO!" I shout, trying to push the man away but his hands are already on me, trying rip my clothes off. I cry out when I feel him slap me and push me onto the ground.

Please help me.



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