Chapter Thirty~ Surprise

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AN : Boo you whore, LMAOOOO sorry that was in my head. ANYWAY HIIII, have fun reading this chapter. WRITERS BLOCK WAS STRONGGG, but I'll probs publish tmrw too if I have time. VOTE N COMMENT BABIES. unedited...

 ~Killian Knight~

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~Killian Knight~

A bullet pierces through the wind. My hand on the gun as I watch Vincent's body fall and bullets go flying. My soldiers going against Vincent's. The bullet that went through Vincent's wasn't enough to kill him, considering he was squirming around like a squashed bug.

I aim my gun to the guard going up to Aaliyah. She was shivering, open wounds on her body and her legs trembled. I shoot the guard, running towards her within seconds.

My breathes uneven as I made my way towards her, she looked up at me. Tears glossed her eyes. My heart fucking aches when my hands wrap around her fragile waist. A sudden gust of wind brushes through us. An anger I haven't felt before consumes me, they fucking touched her. Tortured her.

I try hard to control my anger, my disgust and everything in between. Wounds scattered her from head to toe. She hasn't said a word, she just stayed within my chest. "What took you so long, darling?" Her voice breaks when she speaks. I held her tighter, and before anyone could come near us I picked her up and fucking ran to the exit, bullets came flying our way but I kept running. My intent is to keep her safe, and I will die in the crossfire for her.

I run down the stairs, ignoring the footsteps chasing behind me. All my focus was directed to keeping her safe, getting her home safely. I hear her slow, tired breaths as I run out of the building and towards the car waiting for us. I rest her in the backseat, joining her as the driver starts the car and drives away without a second thought.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry." I mumble, grabbing gauze bandages to wrap her wounds in. She couldn't speak, her body too tired to move a muscle and her eyes stared at me with such tiredness I couldn't recognize.

I had places in Moscow, including a hospital. I had a private wing specifically in case this sort of situation comes along. The driver parked right beside the emergency unit and I picked her up softly, running towards the hospital in such a hurry my legs wanted to give up but I would rather fucking die than watch her die in my arms.

I place her on the stretcher. Everything felt a blur, she was rushed away and I stood there. Numb as I watched my wife get pulled away from me. "Sir you cannot go in." I wanted nothing but to go sit beside her for hours on end.

My heart race only picked up, my vision became a blur, my feet seemed glued to the floor.

I'm not letting her die, I can't. I've lost so many, I've watched my mother die, watched my sister die, I'm not letting her die. She can't. I can't take it. I feel my throat close up as people pass by me in the dull hospital. My stomach fills with nausea, and my head thumps.

I try to take a breath in, but panic infests my body like the speed of light. I try to shake off the anxiousness filling my body head to toe but instead everything becomes more powerful. I could feel everything, the anxiety and panic so strongly.

"Sir are you alright?" No. No I am not alright, is what I wanted to say but the appropriate response would be yes I am, thank you for asking. Alas, I couldn't respond. It felt as if my vocal cords were ripped out of me, water filled my lungs so I couldn't breathe and everything I could do, walk, speak, think was all gone.

Ignoring the nurse, I finally got my legs to work and I walked to the waiting area. Dismissing every thought in my head, negative and positive. I just need her to be okay. Please. Hours pass, and I ask every 20 minutes if I can see her. And everytime, I get a no. I don't know if she's alive right now, I don't know if she can breathe, I don't know. I haven't felt an ounce of relief in so long, and all I need is for her to be okay.

To be alive. To hear those snarky remarks, to see her hazel eyes filled with life. Ivy and Dominic haven't come to the hospital, hell I have no idea if they are even alive. People pass by me, looking at me like I'm crazy. I understand why, considering the fact that I haven't slept in three days, ate rarely and have been on my feet for the last seventy two hours. Fucking hell, I have no patience left in my body. The smell of death that reeks in every hospital I've entered and it isn't helping the situation.

I turn my head slightly to see Ivy's sandy blond hair and Dominic walk in side by side. Dominic had a nonchalant face whereas Ivy had a worrisome look on hers. "Is she alright?" Ivy asks, and I shrug. "Why the fuck are you just shrugging, do you not care if she's dead or alive?"

"I do." I say. She scoffs. Dominic sits beside me, Ivy sits beside Dominic. And we wait. Hours. The sun sets. And stars arise in the sky, the moon shines through the window. The night slowly passed and it was around three am. Dominic was still awake, typing on his laptop like a workaholic and Ivy was out getting us food from a vending machine. Now that they were here, Dominic stopped me from getting up and asking the nurses if she was alright. I just needed her to be alive. I felt nauseous at the thought of her in pain. A nurse came to me and she gave me a reassuring smile.

"She's okay." Fuck yes. Ivy came back with chocolate bars in her hand and the small twitch in my lips made her smile. "She's okay?" Ivy asks and I nod.

"She's on a ventilator at the moment, her lungs are weak and she cant breathe on her own. And because of that she's also on IV, her body hasn't had nutrients in days as well as any liquids. The cuts and wounds on her body were clearly not self inflicted, but they were ruthless with her body. She's fragile, but as of now she's pulling through." I sigh with relief.

"You can see her soon, we have to stitch up a few of her open cuts and after that you may come in her room-" She pauses, staring at all of us. "What relation do you have with the patient?"

"I'm her husband, she-" I motion to Ivy "-her sister and the man beside me is her cousin." I knew the hospital wouldn't allow them to come see her if they weren't a blood relative to Aaliyah. The nurse stares, skeptical but she smiles, nodding and walking off. Thank god she's okay.


~Rachel Rosewood~


"You owe me for saving your life." Vincent speaks up, his body connected to an IV and his eyes tired. I scoff but I knew he was right. "Ruin them, break my sister. Not physically but mentally. I want her mind so messed up that she ruins everything in her path. Destroy him as well-" He pauses, smiling at me. "Then you can take the credit of building him up again."

AN : Gonna finally eat lunch now, bye bye babes VOTE N COMMENT MY BOOK IS GOING FLOP FLOP. love you all!!

 love you all!!

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