Chapter Thirty Four ~ Paybacks a bitch

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AN : SMD...sorry anyway im so sorry haven't updated in so long but writers block hit hard n school has beeeeeeeen draining I still haven't done none of my assighments cuz I decided to write but ill try to update Friday as well!!! byeee have a good read n vote n comment... PLS COMMENT I LOVE READING THEMMM


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~Aaliyah Cortez~

Usually I am not one for petty revenge or petty banter, but alas the time has come to use that eager petty side of me for good use. It is 3am currently and nobody has entered the Sin, and nobody ever fucking will. I would be heart broken right now, would be shriveled in my bed crying over him but instead, I'm tuning in on the other emotion I have inside. Anger.

I light the match and stare at the club. Ivy stands beside me, a sinister smirk on her face as she looks around for witnesses. I know that at least one camera in the club will see me, and I hope he sees it. I genuinely hope he's fucking infuriated by this act. I throw the match through the main window and watch the carpeted floors ignite into large flames quite fast.

This man, was my everything. I feel numb to the god damn core, I don't want to wallow. I don't want to lay in my sorrows and wish for him to fucking appear again. I want to completely ditch that feeling and drink till my soul gives out. I hate drinking, I don't want to end up like my father but desperate times call for desperate measures.

The fire grows and soon the entire club ignites into wildly large flames. Ivy grabs my hand and we run out of the area, into a car in a nearby parking lot and we drive.

We drive to his second club, and this time I wasn't going to burn it down but I was going to drink and let loose. Let loose is to let go of everything in the past. I shouldn't even be near a man right now but fuck it right?

I enter the club with ease, the dress I was wearing was tight and suffocating but made my ass look good. The dress was a midnight blue, short and tight. Ivy walks beside me as we made our way to the bar. Lights flashing, people dancing without a second thought in their heads and the smell of drugs and alcohol makes it's way around the club.

I order a round of shots for both of us as I scoop out the club. I've been told, either heal from what breaks you or you fuck someone else. Either option works for me and I choose the ladder.

I pick up the shot and drink, the alcohol burning my throat as I swallow.

Six drinks later my body was on the dance floor, swaying my hips to the beat as the music blasts. I feel everything and nothing all at once, my body moves to the music as I try to destroy the negative thoughts drowning me.

As much as I try to ignore and enjoy the life in front of me, I felt stuck. My brother was going to die, my father too. Everything is going to hell, my brother kidnapped me, tortured me beyond repair and my father was my verbal abuser. And yet? I still loved them.

I have the same blood they have running through me, constantly reminding me I'm apart of them. My mama is going to be alone, and I cant stop Killian from killing those two. Fuck just thinking about his name makes me feel anxious.

I shake my head, the music gradually gets larger as I dance and my heart race picks up. The alcohol in my system isn't doing shit, my body still feels sober even though I'm trying to force myself into feeling loose and carefree.

I'm tense, my head clouded with thoughts and my breathing uneven as sweat coats my body.

"I loved you."  I said that to him, and when I turned my head to watch his reaction my words, his eyes almost look like they were tearing up. Fuck him.

I did more than just have teary eyes, I cried, sobbed till my body gave out. It hurt to cry, it hurt to physically move when the people I loved always ended up hurting me one way or another. My brother, my father, my mama...him.

Everytime I say I hate him, everytime I say I loathe him, it's not true. It's all lies, I cant hate a man I still love and adore. I miss him so much it hurts, the cycle of being numb constantly for the last week has had me wanting death to knock on my door sooner. I'm vacillating over if I should hate him or not.

My eyes snap open and there he stood. Standing in a far corner talking with Dominic. His hands wrapped around a scotch and his hair messy, his eyes droopy and dark circles rested underneath his gray eyes. My breath gets caught in my throat when his eyes turn to mine.

I swallow a lump in my throat when he stares at me with tender, the same way he used to look at me when we were still...married I guess.

The marriage still stands, so does the alliance but that will end because my fathers death is near. And I won't stop it. I ignore his piercing stare and walk off towards the bar for a tequila shot. Before I could even grab the damn shot, a hand wrapped around my wrist and I was dragged away towards a far corner. And the second I stared upwards, Killian stood.

"You think burning down my club would do you any good, Aaliyah?" I scoff at him, eyeing him with a death stare. "Leave me alone, Killian." I mumble, trying to walk away but his hand went to mine. I turn around expecting to see his eyes meeting mine but his eyes were consuming my body. Fuck this asshole.

"Were you here with someone?" He asks and I roll my eyes, snatching my hand out of his warm hand.

"Why does that matter to you-" I scowl, staring in disgust as I try to contain the anger running through me right now.

"-Nothing involving me should matter to you, because you have made it abundantly clear I don't matter to you." He swallows a lump in his throat, at a loss for words.

"Never, ever fucking touch me again." I walk off, not bothering to turn back and I make my way to the bar and order another round of shots. Drinking and drinking until the bartender kicks me out of the club because of how bad I was drinking. I wouldn't be shocked if I had gained alcohol poisoning.

I stand outside of the club, cold winds blow through me as my legs shake. Ivy was grabbing the car to take my drunk ass home. My eyes close for a few seconds, maybe 10 or 15 but they shoot open when I feel a warm fabric around me. A black suit jacket, turning around to see if anyone was there and just accidentally gave me their jacket but absolutely nobody was there. I take it off and look through the pockets to find any sort of ID but there was nothing.

Then I realize, the jacket was the same one Killian was wearing in the club. Same buttoning, same cigarette holes in one of the sleeves...

I want to hate him so bad right now, but nothing is working.

Even if I try hard to hate him, it won't work because those memories with him lie with me.

But that's all they are, memories.

AN : okay I love u all sm thank u guys for being patient with me and this book!! I will try to update on Friday n Saturday to make up for last week, have a good night or day! hope u guys enjoyed... <3


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