Chapter Thirty Five~ Desire

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AN : Double update, be proud!!! anyway gonna do my work n eatttt have fun, PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTEEE BOOKS FLOOPING!!! thanks babessss, enjoy...

AN : Double update, be proud!!! anyway gonna do my work n eatttt have fun, PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTEEE BOOKS FLOOPING!!! thanks babessss, enjoy

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~Killian Knight~

*Night when Aaliyah got the unknown texts*

I smile as my hands stay wrapped around her waist. Everything feels so perfect, everything feels so enchanting when I'm near her beauty, her scent, her eyes, her smile. She's the embodiment of everything I desire. She is everything. I frown softly when I hear her leave the bed and her warmth suddenly disappears, then the door slowly closes. My eyes snap open and my phone vibrates. I frown when the text reads look straight.

I grab the gun on my nightstand and quickly aim towards the figure standing on the balcony. Before I could shoot, the door was already wide open and the cold wind brushes inside the room. "Killian, babe I've missed you." Rachel.

Now I really, really want to push the goddamn trigger. "I'd put the gun down if I was you."

I scoff, holding the gun tighter and my finger lightly presses on the trigger. "Put it down, before your darling wife dies because you can't handle simple instructions." Aaliyah. My head snaps to the bed and I realize she's not here. Where did she go? I leave the gun slowly on the nightstand before staring at rachel. Her hair a dark ginger, and her face still ugly.

"Listen up, Killian." I roll my eyes, wanting nothing but to shoot her in the skull.

"I've told your darling wife about the files-" No. Fuck. I feel my heart race pick up and the urge to rush to my office to explain myself is strong. "-And before you try to go explain yourself, I have snipers around the property. People who have their guns aimed at her fucking head, so you and me are going to strike a deal hm?"

I take in her words, but the panic in my body doesn't ease, instead it ignites largely like a light flame igniting into fire. I can't imagine how she feels right now, fuck. I need to tell her why her father needs to die. I feel my emotions drown me.

"Killian, you will go and tell her everything was fake, every little lovey move you made with her was fake. Break her heart. And then? We will show the entire mafia world that we are together."

No. I wanted to reject, kill and stab her until she bleeds out but the thought of Aaliyah in danger made me stay put, I can't let her die because of my anger. I have to stay put.

"And if I say no?"

"The woman you so call love? Dies." I hate myself for this. I should've shot her back then, so she couldn't be able to terrorize my wife like this.

"What if your lying?" I test her patience, knowing it's the wrong move but she's a pathological liar, she'll lie to get anything in her hands.

"You want to test that theory and let me shoot her?" I take in a deep breath before telling myself to calm down and not shoot her, she has your wife at gun point.

"Okay. I accept your deal" The words leaves my mouth hesitantly, not wanting to break Aaliyah any further but her life is at stake, and I will do anything for her to be safe. Anything.


I shoot in between the man's eyes, taking in a deep breath as the smell of metallic blood enters the entire cell. I'm killing off every single one of Rachel's men until she is nothing but dust waiting to be swept off this earth. I try hard to ignore the fact that I saw her at the club merely five hours ago. I also try to ignore the fact that I don't know if she's safe, don't know if she's okay or not and it's driving me insane.

"I loved you." She whispers before leaving my office in tears. The second my door shuts, my heart shatters and I fall to my knees. Anger rushes through me, I let her go. The one thing I told myself I wouldn't do, I let her go.

I love you too, Aaliyah...

Those flashbacks come back to me everyday. I wish I said it back, I wish I told her I loved her with my entire soul and would do anything she wanted me to do, I would worship the ground she walks on. I should have but those snipers were still waiting, and Rachel had planted a bug in the office so she could hear the conversation.

The second Aaliyah left the house Rachel came, trying to fucking comfort me but I pushed her away and walked out of the office. Completely ignoring her and resisting the urge to chase after the love of my life. I need her safe, that's all that matters.

Killing her father and brother is something I need to do for my mama and sister, for revenge and for everything they caused. My father was already dead, my brother had killed him for screwing him over. And right now, I am going upstairs to get ready for the bastard's funeral. I wish I got to kill him. For my revenge, but at least Ares got to.

I turn the hot shower on and the water sprays my body as I feel the bathroom fill with fog. Memories flash through me.

"We shouldn't." She murmurs, her eyes staring at my lips.

"There's nothing stopping us." I reply,  holding her face tighter as the rain pours louder.

"You know how this is going to end, so why start it." She swallows the lump in her throat, my hot breath goes against her lips, her touch burning me slowly.

"We can always change the ending, il mio cuore." (My heart)

I wish I changed the ending sooner, I wish I could stop this. Her being in pain is my fault. It's my fault and there is only me to blame, I miss her so much. My throat clogs up, tears fall and my heart pumps. Everything...feels so numb. I lean against the shower wall, my body numbing and I sit down, not being able to get up again.

So this is how heartbreak feels, how dreadful. I miss her and her touch. Everything she made me feel was real. Rachel told me to tell her it was fake. But it was as real as it could get. Every stolen kiss, every touch, every look was real. None of my feelings could be faked, every time she stared at me with such a loving smile my heart pumped and I felt myself getting nervous.

But now it wont ever happen again, and I know because the club was a mere example. She stared at me with cold, hatred filled eyes and I can't blame her.

She looked so beautiful. So enchanting, too gorgeous for the human eye to bare. She's still my everything. She will always be my first love. My only love and that's how it always will be.

I will never stop loving her, no matter how much heartache I'll face when I see her moving on from me, from everything.

Moving on is out of the question for me, she has entangled herself so deep into my heart, I can't let her go.

She has my heart, and I never want it back.

AN : and this is why he broke her heart anyway goodnight or good chap probs Friday if I have energy!! BYEEEE LOVE U ALL HOPE U GUYS ENJOYED!! ❤️🤭😍

next chap probs Friday if I have energy!! BYEEEE LOVE U ALL HOPE U GUYS ENJOYED!! ❤️🤭😍

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