Chapter fourty four ~ Eternity

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AN : look who's finally being quick with updates THIS IS WHEN I HAVE TIMEEEEEE.

I have mixed feelings about this chapter tbh but everyone kept telling me to do sad ending and others told me to do happy, it was VERY confusing. AALIYAH IS A BADASS TBH- have fun with this, im gonna write another one!!! (no promises I get sidetracked) GUYS LISTEN TO WHAT YOU HEARD BY SONDER I WAS LISTENING TO IT WHILE I WROTE IT AND IDK WHY BUT ITS VIBES!!! VOTE N COMMENT I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF U BABES.

~Killian Knight~

"Me. I choose me. Let her live." My words didn't sound pleading, my tone was stone cold. I was numb. Scared, so god damn scared for Aaliyah. I want her to survive, rather than me. Without her in this world, there's nothing left for me.

There's no world without her. She cannot die. "Such a selfless man, and yet your standing here, accepting death." One of his men comes up to me and jabs a punch to my jaw, but I stand still. Dominic and Seb try to step in but I glare at the two, telling them to stand down. I knew backup would be here soon, within five minutes maximum and knowing Vincent, he'll taunt me. He'll draw this out as long as possible until I beg for him to kill me. But I don't beg. Never do. I scowl when they pull Seb and Dominic down to the floor, they shouldn't be involved, it's a fight between Vincent and I. "You could have saved yourself when she was on the rooftop, if you left her, I wouldn't have came back."

"I wouldn't leave her, even in fucking death." I coughed blood when a second punch comes to my throat, I was on my knees, punches, kicks, coming from each side. "Change your answer." His words rang in my head, and nothing in my body made me want to change my answer. It's either me or her, and I choose me.

"Give up, Vincent. You're not getting the answer you want from me." A scream rips through my throat when a knife slices my skin. Blood trickles down my thigh and I breathe heavily, trying so desperately hard to not focus on the intense pain that radiates through every single inch of my body. Dominic screams out in anger when another punch goes towards my face. I was soaking in my crimson blood, the metallic smell made me scowl. Torture, this is torture, but little does he know, I've endured worse.

Torture isn't this, torture is knowing my girl is in the hospital, dying and I can't do anything to stop it. I told her I'd keep her safe. I promised. In sicknessand health, I vowed to keep her safe. I gasp for air when I feel my airways closing, is this how it'll end?

"Bring her in." My eyes shoot up through the tears, staring at the doors that open with blurry vision. Aaliyah. I could recognise from miles away, her beauty will forever be unmatched. Pain ricochets through me when I see her state, she had just recovered from the surgery. I could see the stitches on her skin, her eyes barely opening as she saw me. "Aaliyah." Anger rushes through me, overthrowing the pain as I yell uncontrollably. "Let her go! You fucking monsters."

I pull on the zip ties that were wrapped around my wrists as I hear a scream of agony from Sebastian. Constant pain radiates through me and I feel like nothing. I turn frantically to see him bleeding out, shit. His eyes plead to Vincent and I feel my anger rise even higher than before but alas I feel powerless. Aaliyah's eyes widened when she stared at all three of us, her hands weren't tied like the rest of us but she was held tightly by Vincent. I wanted nothing but to rip his hands off her, off my fucking girl.

"Your boyfriend won't give in, he would rather die than watch you suffer, he's been taking numerous beatings just for your survival." I saw her eyes soften at me, but she doesn't look at me like this is goodbye. She shoots me a smirk and instead her head falls back quickly which hits Vincent's temple and he releases her. Her hand grasped his gun and then chaos erupted. My men came rushing into the warehouse and bullets went flying as without a single hesitation, she pulled the safety off the gun and pulled the trigger, the bullet piercing Vincent right in the heart.

She mumbled something to him before scowling and running towards me. "Darling, are you alright? Come on, we need to go." She's the strongest person I have ever met. She just got surgery, probably so dehydrated, so fucking drained and here she is, saving all our asses. Dominic and Seb were shooting the other soldiers as I slowly got up, "Dominic, get Seb out of here!" I yell and he nods before grabbing his wrist and running out of there but not before looking back. "Darling, look at me!" Her words ring in my head but I couldn't muster a response, and I soon felt my eyes close.

~Aaliyah Cortez~

Don't fucking die on me, Killian. Tears soak his chest as I beg for the soldiers to take him, and his men take him out of the building before I turn my head and see Ivy shooting someone. Her eyes flashed to mine and she ran towards me, hugging me slightly before helping me get out of the building.

I felt my body crumbling, I was beyond weak at this point both mentally and physically and I just want it all to be over, for everything to be okay but nobody will tell me anything as we drive in the car. All three of them are being driven away to the nearest private hospital as I felt a tear drop onto my top. I hadn't understood how I survived, how I genuinely made it out of that operation room but apparently, Vincent decided to allow me to survive until I woke up and was immediately taken against my will. I was beyond frustrated because nobody would answer my questions, answer where my boyfriend was.

I was just taken to the warehouse and once I saw Killian, my heart felt like it was smashed into pieces. My body was already crippling, but that ruined me beyond repair. He was in pain, he was soaked in his own blood. He chose to let himself die, to endure pure torture just for me to live. I stifle a sob as I let my thoughts roam. "He'll be okay." Ivy whispers but the hesitation in her voice was as clear as day. What if he isn't okay? What if he dies? What if I have to live a life that doesn't involve waking up to him everyday? What if I never get to see his pretty eyes open everyday again? I wanted us to live our lives calmly, I need us to be at peace.

A human can only take so many scars, so much trauma, and I don't know if we can handle more than this. The amount of hospital trips that we've had is gasp worthy, and yet our love never dies with our spirit. We may be drained, may be physically messed up, but the love I feel for that man could never die, it will last lifetimes over, and I swear to meet him in every lifetime I endure. In every life I vow to fall for him and only him, I'll search the earth for him, and he has my heart forever. For eternity.

We are destined for each other, a destined future.

AN : SEEEE n comment....have a good day/night

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