Chapter Twenty ~ Mister

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AN : love you all sm, not feeling the greatest but wtvr, enjoy this chapter my lovelies and vote n comment! 🫶🏽🫶🏽

~Aaliyah Cortez~

Stupid plane. Stupid pilot. I hated turbulence. Turbulence and I have a shitty relationship, the shaking, the anxiety of the pain crashing and killing us all. Aria seemed to love it though, she was all "ooo it's shaky!" while I was like "we're all gonna die!" Hell the ten year old has more guts than me.

Everyone was still dead asleep on the plane, Aria was resting on my lap whilst watching the Disney channel. Killian came out of the bathroom, walking towards my seat. Aria had her headphones in, her eyes engaged on the screen showing Hannah Montana. No kid should have to grow up without Hannah Montana.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier." Killian starts off his apology as he sits beside me. "I shouldn't have, and honestly you saved her from any more torment, so thank you, Aaliyah." I shake my head, smiling as the sun shines through the plane windows. "I just went on instinct, no need to thank me, Killian." Killian's eyes furrow at the screen that showed Hannah Montana.

"Really? Hannah Montana?" I roll my eyes as he sits beside me, criticizing the amazing show on the screen. "It's not even that good." I gasp dramatically, what type of human doesn't like a fake blond who has a secret famous life whilst living a normal life? "Nobody asked for your opinion Killi." Aria says and my eyes widen.

Thought she wasn't listening, I guess she was. She takes off her headphones. "Oh wow, I'm so stealing that nickname, thank you so much Ari." I put my hand out and we both high five with victorious smirks, god I love this ten year old.

"Yeah Killi." He rolls his eyes, annoyance flares in his expression and yet I can't help but notice the way he's restraining a grin. I lean against his shoulder whilst Aria holds my hand as she watches more of Hannah Montana.

His head leans against mine. Why am I willingly falling for an asshole, a cute, caring asshole. I could hear his soft breathing, he already fell asleep? I knew he didn't sleep the whole plane ride, he was awake dealing with the Russians that are still on our asses and some other shit.

He had dark circles under his eyes, messy hair and a tired expression on his face when he came to my seat so honestly, not too surprised.

"Passengers please put your seat belts on as we are preparing for landing, thank you." The pilot speaks, an Italian accent pops. I quickly put my seat belt on whilst reaching for Killian's. His head was now on my shoulder. He wakes up slowly, "Are we landing?" I hum.

"I hate landings." He murmurs, reaching in his pocket and taking a pack of gum out. "You want me to hold your hand?" I tease and he glares but what was so unexpected is that he placed his hand out for me to hold. I smiled, shaking my head as I interlocked my hand with his, holding tightly as we prepared for landing.

He's such a grump but such a softy at the same time, who would've thought the big bad mafia boss would need a hand to hold. Aria turns her head to Killi, a teasing smirk on her lips. "Your a wimp." She comments and I snort at her uncalled for comment.

"Real funny, Aria, superr funny." Killian sarcastically replies and I laugh, these two and their stupid rivalry is better than any tv show. Shit this gonna be my entertainment, love my life.

The landing was rough, Aria opened the window so we could see us landing. One second we were above the clouds and now we were shooting downwards. I loved plane rides in the morning, seeing the pretty views outside the window as we're up in the air. Especially seeing the oceans, it's so beautiful. The beauty of nature is unmatched and nobody can change my opinion on that.

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