Chapter Forty Three~ Catastrophe

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AN : HIIIII, NEXT CHAPTER, DON'T KILL ME its sad................

~Killian Cortez~

I sigh, staring at the clock tick in the hospital. Numerous doctors have told me to walk off and leave because I haven't left my seat in hours. The operation is going to last hours on end and I should go home, but I cannot fathom her waking up and realizing that I'm not there. I wonder how it's going? Is it going well? Is there any complications? I constantly wonder about her throughout the day, and every memory we have flashed through me. The days we spent just in bed, with just our own company, one day I had taken her to the library so she could browse through her obsession with books whilst I just watched her.

She's such an exquisite person it never fails to amaze me. She's caring, thoughtful and everything that's perfect. She's perfect and I don't ever want to lose her. Ivy walks up to me, holding out a coffee as she takes a seat beside me.

I'm not the only one who's lost sleep over this, she hasn't left the hospital once, nor has she done anything other than sit in the waiting room and stare at the clock that ticks tauntingly. Both of us were tired, but we both cared deeply for Aaliyah. I admire their friendship, as much as I say I hate Ivy and such, I care for her as a brother even though she doesn't even like me as an acquaintance.

Those two have been friends for years and again, they are inseparable. It's like Seb, Dominic and I. My phone dings and my eyes dart to the bright screen. Three texts from Dominic that read....

Dommy boy : Can you go check out the sixth warehouse, another shipment has been stolen and I can't check it right now, I'm torturing some guy.

Me : Who are you torturing and why?

Dommy boy : Some guy touched Ivy.

Typical Dominic, protective over a girl who isn't his. I cannot complain at all though, I was the same with Aaliyah but the thing is, she is mine. My woman and my love.

Me : Okay, I'll go check.

Dommy : Thanks dude.

I cringe at his last text as I say bye to Ivy and walk off towards the exit. I didn't want to leave at all but I needed to.

I've never felt such an intense emotion of worry running through my body without my consent. I never truly cared for a human until Aaliyah came rushing into my life like tumbles of waves. And now she might drain the ocean she left in my life. I cannot live without her, and I know within the weeks we spent apart, it felt as if a part of my heart was taken from me. A void left inside of me and I refuse to feel such things once more.

I had left trails of corpses behind me in the past, evil and cruel murders. I was heartless, and I never allowed someone to enter my heart the way Aaliyah did. She had took down the numerous of walls guarding my heart, and now she's the guardian. I stare at boxes in the warehouse.

I sigh, the cold breeze flowing past me as my hands shuffle into my suit pocket. If she leaves, if she doesn't make the surgery, there's nobody else for me. I swallow down the negative thoughts in my head as I walk towards my private office in the warehouse. Well, it isn't so private anymore because Dominic and Seb are sitting on my carefully organized papers. He finished torturing that guy fast clearly. "Why." It wasn't even a question, I just wanted them out of my office. I needed to be alone, I didn't want anyone in my space except Aaliyah.

"You need company so you don't go on spiral." I scoff at Seb's words as he chews on a piece of gum, my eyes roll whilst I walk towards my bookshelf, contemplating throwing books at them to shoo them off. I needed to figure out who was bombing the houses in Italy, stealing the shipments and such. The culprit has been leaving notes, some threatening and others taunting. "I won't spiral, leave."

I didn't want to be harsh, but they needed to go. My voice was stone cold but Seb cracked a grin, and Dominic giggled. Fucking giggled. "You spiraled when Aaliyah left for those weeks, if I remember correctly, you drank yourself to sleep every night and we had to tuck you in whilst you mumbled her name in your sleep."

The vivid memory came back to me when those two were tucking me to bed, I was grumbling, mumbling her name left and right with my words slurred as they dropped me onto my bed. They will never let that go, will they? "Fuck off, both of you before I shoot you guys." I couldn't help but smile at the two, they're like brothers to me and I wouldn't dare allow them to die. Aaliyah and my family go before me, nothing else. At this point, Ivy's a part of the family, she's bound to marry Dominic without a doubt.

I don't expect anything less from them. "Look, the devil's capable of smiling." Seb comments. "He's not the devil anymore, he's found his angel." I roll my eyes at Dominic's cheesy comment as I rifle through documents that bore my mind. "We need to figure out who initiated those attacks." Before they could respond with words, gun shots blared and alarms went off. My eyes almost rolled, this has happened too many times, some dumbass shoots something on accident or the alarms go off for a false alarm.

All three of us get up, our guns out as a precaution. I was too tired for this- I stared at the numerous of men who were covered in masks, and then one stands out, but he wore no mask. He was Vincent. Vincent Cortez, the man who should've died long ago. His taunting smile made my fists clench, I should've killed him that day but I needed Aaliyah to be safe.

That's more important than revenge. Guns were pointed at us, but we never back down from a fight, even if it costs us our lives. "Killian Knight."

"Let's skip the formalities, what the hell do you want, Vincent?" He laughed, and I almost pulled the trigger on my gun. "You and my sisters downfall, seeing you both so happy triggered something inside of me. She shouldn't be allowed to be happy, she was a mis-"

"I'll pull the trigger on you right now if you dare finish that sentence." I didn't have time to argue nor did I care about his pathetic words, I just wanted to see my girl.

"The love of your life and you are compromised." His words rang in my head but confusion ran through my face. What the hell does he mean?

"I have the doctor operating on her right now, and a gun is pointed at the doctor, on my command I could kill the doctor and allow her to die or..."

"You die and I allow the doctor to operate on her."

"Choose who lives, you or her?"

AN : My cousin let me write this btw, so dont attack me!! SHE SAID TO DO IT.

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