Chapter thirteen ~ Red wine

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AN : this chapter is lowkey dumb but he's down bad tbh ANYWAY VOTE N COMMENT FOR THE NEXT CHAP OR ISTGGG...thanks baes

~Killian Knight~

I stand in front of my father, his menacing grin making me want to turn my hand into a fist and break his jaw, but alas I hold my hands to my sides as I stare emotionlessly at him. I inherited my gray eyes from him, my curly dark hair from mama and most of my features are from my father. As a child I used to be told a lot that I looked just like my father, and I used to awkwardly smile instead of puking at the statement people would commonly make.

I never liked how they would constantly tell me that I'll become a great leader like my father, but my father is nothing but a waste of space. He's not a good leader, he doesn't strategize, he thinks with his dick instead of brain. When a girl comes into his eye view and actually has interest in his clear as day wrinkles, he will drop everything for one night with them. It's pathetic.

"To become don you must-" I interrupted him right then and there. "No father, you told me to marry whoever you chose for me and I did exactly that, I have proven myself worthy of the throne and you will give it to me." He chuckled darkly at my words and I almost react. I've learned, giving a reaction to my father automatically lets him know he won. But standing still, straight face and dull eyes gives him no power. "We must all go to Europe, I have something for you to do for me. Three missions. After that mission, you can do whatever you like with the throne."

These are the times I regret not making my father sign a contract. I sigh, replying to his ridiculous demand "What sort of missions?"

"Regular ones, stop asking stupid fucking questions!" He yells drunkenly. Normally as a child I'd quiver in fear when he yelled, but as an adult who's taller than his father, I show no fear to anyone, especially him. I stand tall, resisting the urge to smirk at his childish tantrum. We were in his stingy office in the house, he was drinking from a disgustingly expensive bottle of whisky. Not my cup of tea.

"The public will want to know why the epic billionaire Killian Knight is leaving the country for a while, so say it's for you and Aaliyah's honeymoon."

"How long is a while in your book?"

"2 weeks." My eyes widened. "I have to bring Aaliyah?" My father nods, taking another swing of whisky. "I want her to go on one as well."

"No." I state. I'm not putting her in danger. I haven't spoken to her since our mishap in the kitchen and I don't plan on speaking to her anytime soon. I refuse to put her in harms way because then the alliance would cease to exist.'s all about the alliance and her being a convenience and all that.

The annoying voice in my head speaks and I internally roll my eyes. "She's going on one, Jason will keep her company on the mission." My eyes snap to Jason. He was a few inches shorter, wearing a crisp suit and had dark eyes, tattoos wrapped around his neck.

He smirks at me, trying to get a reaction out of me. Instead I keep my eyes to my father and nod. As much as I hate Jason with every bone in my body, he will keep Aaliyah safe. He knows I'll decapitate his head off if he doesn't. 

"You both will leave today, around 7pm to Rome Italy." We were in NYC at the moment, but the second I become don I will see to uproot us to Italy. I adore that place, my mama used to take me there every year.

We have a home there, my aunties live there along with my abuela. "Ivy West is also coming." I state, no room for negotiating. I know Aaliyah will want someone other than Jason and me to keep her company, and because it's not our real honeymoon, there's no reason why her friend cant come along. "The American mafia boss's daughter?" I nod. He scowls before muttering the words fine.

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