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"So, what are we doing for Halloween?" Eden asks, popping a fry in her mouth and looking at all of us. Chase is sitting next to her, holding her hand and looking at her intently. Colby is in front of me, and Caden decided to join us during lunch. He sits next to me, looking off into the distance. He's slouched in his seat with his arms over his stomach and his legs crossed over his knee. He stares intently into nowhere, which reminds me of a week ago when he was staring at nothing and left in a hurry. It looked like he had seen a ghost.

"I don't know," Colby shrugs, looking around the cafeteria. I notice his gaze staring at a girl sitting at the table in the back with two other girls. I try to place their faces but come up blank. The girl he seems to be staring at is sitting on the left. She has brown hair and very light brown eyes. Her smile is bright as she talks to the other girls next to her.

I look at Colby, raising a brow. He just looks away and does not utter a word. I won't mention it, but I'm keeping it in mind. He might have a little crush?

"Isn't there a party going on that day?" Chase asks.

"Yes," I hear a deep male voice and immediately recognize it as Dean's. "There is. At Brody's place. You guys are invited," he says. I notice his brown hair ruffled, his brown eyes bright and warm, and his basic t-shirt with a band name on it. He also has plain black jeans.

Eden smiles. "Saturday, right?"

Dean nods. "Yes, ma'am." He goes over to Eden, splitting us apart and stealing a few fries. He smiles and puts one in his mouth. "See you guys then?" he asks, looking at all of us, including Caden.

"Of course," Chase says, shaking his hand like the guys do.

"Great. You too, Colby?" Colby nods. "What about you, Caden?" he asks, and Caden looks away from the nothingness and at Dean.

"I guess. If Navinas is going," he shrugs. I smile a bit, a blush forming on my cheeks. Don't ask me why, because I don't want to know.

"I am," I smile, looking at Dean.

"Great. See all of you guys then." Dean's smile shines his pearly whites, and he starts walking away. Dean is a grade above us. He's in grade twelve and is obviously graduating. He's also the school's 'good boy,' if you can call it that.

The bell rings for the third period, and we stand. Caden slings his bag over his shoulder, and everyone says their goodbyes as they leave. I walk to my locker, grab my binder, and then I see Caden on his phone, walking with his bag slung over his shoulder. I walk up to him.

"What's your class right now?" I ask. He looks up from his phone, closing it and sliding it into his pants pocket.

"Music," he says.

"What's your instrument?" I ask curiously.

"Guitar," he says, his voice low and husky.

I raise my brows. "You play the guitar?"

He nods. He opens the door, and we both walk into the stairwell area. He walks straight into the music room. "Wait," I speak, and he turns around. "Will I see you after school?" I ask.

He shrugs. "I don't know. Will you?"

I grin. "Jerk."

He grins, like he won. "Sweetheart."

I then walk up the stairs as he turns around. I'm smiling like an idiot as I walk up the stairs, a blush creeping onto my cheeks.


I walk into the house and don't see my parents anywhere. I slide off my shoes and get my phone out to text the group chat.

ME: Where are you?

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