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I walk downstairs in a hurry. Of course I'm late for school! The whole night I was waiting for a text from caden. I couldn't sleep until eventually I passed out. The breeze goes on my face as I run down the stairs and into the kitchen quickly grabbing a banana "Nav! Wait,'' I hear my mom call from the living room and I rush over to the door.

"Im late!" i speak aloud and slide my shoes on. Normally I would already be halfway to school but instead I'm still at home.

"Just wanted to say your dad is coming home tomorrow for a little... Are you okay?" she then asks.

"Dads coming tomorrow?" i than wonder again not sure if i hear her correctly as i grab my bag slinging it over my shoulder. I peel the banana as I look at my mom. Her blonde hair is in a low ponytail and she's in her work outfit.

"Yes.... are you okay?" she then asks again.

I nod. "ya . ya im fine... I'm gonna be late. Bye."

"No you're not." I hear my mom say before she's right next to me slamming the front door closed. Her hand goes on her hip and her brows raise.

"Mom i'm gonna be late for school '' '' i then rushed out.

"You can get a late slip, it's fine. Whats wrong?" my mom than asks with concern lacing her features. Her eyes glint in eeriness and she always does that thing with ehr brows that shows if she's worried, or angry or happy.

"I-..."I looked down for a second. "Caden hasnt texted me or been at school in days... i'm just worried." I then said in defeat.

"Do you think he's hurt?" my eyes widened for a moment, pulled back. Oh right she does know already.

I shrug "I don't know. But I will find out once I get to school." I then said a gesture to the door raising my brows in gesture.

She nods and steps away. 'Okay well tell me if he is."

I nod. "Love you!" my mom shouts as I run down the driveway, my banana going in the trash bin that's parked outside of the house.

"Love you to!" i shout back as i make my way to the sidewalk. I give up running since the bell for first period has already rung. I pull my phone out of my blue baggy jeans pocket and text Eden saying I'm gonna be late.

EDEN:Whyyy!!??? There's a supply I'm not gonna make it without you babe!

I chuckle at her text. Over dramatic.

ME: You're being dramatic!! I'll be there probably half an hour maybe.

EDEN: And why aren't you here right now? Did you spend too much time with your hottie?

ME: no!!

I sigh at what she said. I wish I was with him the whole night. I only got that text from him about him being at a charity gala of sorts and then he went radio silent, it's now thursday. I look up at his house not seeing any of the cars and no lights on and no caden walking out the door like the past few days. I have seen the cars go in the driveway sometimes but it's not a lot.

EDEN: Did something happen?

ME: well he just hasn't responded to my texts... Did you see him?

EDEN: No, I haven't. Well don't worry okay he'll turn up, it's not the first time he has done this.

ME; ya i guess.

EDEN: Now hurry up!!!!

I chuckle at my phone which is ridiculous.

ME: I'm coming. I'm coming. Jeez.

EDEN: good (that's what she said0

I groan

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