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"Those are your parents?" he asks, raising an eyebrow as he looks down at me.

I nod. "Yep, that's them." I sigh.

"Your dad... he's a profiler, right?"

I frown, looking up at him. "How did you know?"

He shrugs. "He was profiling me."

I frown deeper. "How do you know that?"

"I don't know," he says. "I guess I'm good at reading people." I wonder if he means because he had to, but I push the thought aside. We reach the lake I told my parents I'd visit.

We walk through the leaves and branches, the twigs cracking beneath our feet. Caden follows swiftly, moving with purpose. At the water's edge, the sunlight reflects off the rippling waves, making the lake look almost transparent. We head towards the dock.

"We need to talk, Caden," I say as I sit down, leaning against the wooden panels. He sits down but turns so he isn't facing me directly.

He smiles softly, gazing out at the lake. "About?"

"Everything," I reply. "If you're getting hurt... then you need to tell someone. The police, a family member—anyone," I plead, watching him carefully.

He maintains his smile, looking down. "I'm not getting hurt at home, sweetheart," he says, though his eyes are thoughtful.

"I saw the cuts, the bruises. You flinch when someone touches you and you react to loud noises. You get hurt a lot, Caden." I whisper the last part, looking down at my hands before meeting his gaze again. "And I saw you with that man today... It didn't seem friendly. You looked scared."

His smile remains, though it seems forced. "That was just... he was different, and that's all. As for the rest, I don't know what to say," he shrugs. "I get into a lot of fights," he explains.

"Where? I've only heard about fights from Becky Thartas's 'cousin,' who I don't trust. Plus, she mentioned your street race, but you don't even have a car," I say.

"Look, there's nothing going on. I don't know what else to say," he shrugs again.

"Then you wouldn't mind me meeting your parents," I counter. "And you wouldn't mind lifting up your shirt."

He chuckles, running his hands down his face before messing up his hair. "What are you looking for?" he asks, raising his brows.

"I'm looking for you to be honest with me," I reply firmly but softly.

"I am," he says quietly.

"Then you won't mind me meeting your parents. Convince me," I insist. "Convince me and I'll stop."

"I—don't do this, Navina. Please just leave it alone," he says desperately.

I walk up to him, seeing the pained look on his face, and wrap my arms around him. "I want to know you're safe, Caden. I need to know you're safe," I murmur, holding him tighter.

"I am," he mutters, resting his head on mine.

I sigh. I know that people who are hurt don't always speak about it. I want to help, but if Caden can't admit it, I'm at a loss.

"Let's just hang around here for a bit, okay?" I suggest.

He nods. "Yeah."

We separate, and I see the softness in his eyes. I glance at the water and smirk. He frowns. "What?"

I walk closer to him, and he steps back, confused. "What are you doing?" he asks.

I push him, and he falls into the water. I start laughing as bubbles rise and some water splashes on me. He surfaces, shaking his wet hair, making it stick up in places.

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