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It has been 3 days

Three damn days.

Caden said specifically a promise that he wouldn't go all silent ghosting on me... guess what he did?

Ghost me.

I haven't seen him at school. I have been spamming his texts with no reply. This is the second time that caden has ghosted me. Unspoken. Not here. I haven't seen him since Saturday. I texted him on Saturday night and got no reply when we were about to set a time to study for the history test.. It's now wednesday. I'm sitting in science. My foot patters on the ground as I fidget. "You okay?" I break my thoughts by hearing Eden's voice. I turn to her, seeing her worried frowning face. "The last time you had this look, Caden ghosted you... he ghosted you, didn't he?" she then asks with a look that says she knows she is right.

The bell rings to  be let out and I gather my things. "Ya." I wince and I put everything in my binder and my pencil case.

"Again? Really. What's his problem?" river. That's his problem. Now my anger turned to worry... is he okay:?

I just shrug "you know what i'm gonna go see him." I said and before Eden could talk me in or out of it I bolted. I went straight to my locker and gathered my things before heading on the walk back home. Screw the whole 'text me before you come over.' thing. I don't care. I care if he's okay. This the second time but this time he didn't just pop back up in the library. There's a pit in my stomach as I streetwalk. What if the river hurt him? I don't know if he knows I know about the river but I think it's pretty obvious that I do. L also couldn't care right now. I need to know if he's okay.

Plus the last time he came back after a couple days he was beyond in pain/. It was so hard seeing him like that and I really hope he is okay. I hate that he has to deal with that. I also don't know much about his situation if I'm being honest... What I do know is that he shouldn't be getting hurt like that.

I walk up the driveway seeing two cars in the driveway. One being the SUV, aka rivers SUV. I walk up in long strides, my stomach furling as I reach the door. I raise my hand to knock.

I then hear heavy footsteps coming to the door and I freeze. I'm nervous. I admit it. I'm really freaking nervous. But I have to do this. I need to.

The door swings open and a tall man in a suit and tie comes into view. He has black ruffled hair and bright blue piercingly cold eyes. "Who are you?" His voice is gruff and cigarette-like... the same voice I heard the first time I was here. And the same voice that spoke to me before.

I clear my throat "im Navina... im Cadens friend."

His furrowed brows went up and a smile appeared on his face. "Right, Navina gallagher. Sorry brain fog. What is it you came here for?" he then asks.why is he acting nice?

"Um... well I was just wondering where caden was. He hasn't shown up to school and all...'' I then speak and he looks into my eyes then up and down my body. I grow a little self conscious and uncomfortable...

"Honey who is that?'' I hear a soft feminine voice from another room in the house rather than softer footsteps from behind the river. I see a woman appear from the shadows and go to the river. She smiles softly. She has really light brown eyes and long brown hair that's almost covering her arm completely. " hi." he says smiling and holds out a hand. Thai must be roxanne.

I smile, shaking her hand "hi, im Navina.. A friend of Cadens." I speak softly.

"Oh really?" she says but in a soft happy voice "im roxanne it's nice to meet you Navina."

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